Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

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Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

Post by marika.solo »


Vihma sadas kurepesal täna varahommikuni - It rained on the stork's nest until early this morning
Postitas Looduskalender - K, 15.06.2022 - 18.30

Vihma sadas terve eilse päeva, öösel müristas. Isaslind Karl kattis kurepoegi, aga kõik olid üpris märja olemisega. Sellises vihmasajus võib olla kurgedel raske kalastada, kui veepiisad veepinna virvendama panevad.
Hommik oli juba päikseline ja emaslind Kaia saabus pesale, kus ta oli keskpäevani, kui isaslind saagiga pesale naasis. Eile vähe toitu saanud kurepojad kerjasid toitu ja emaslind nokkis kõige pisemat… Näeme lähipäevil, mis juhtuda võib?
Kella ühe paiku otsustas isaslind pojad peale jätta sest need kerjasid vanalinnu juuresolekul pidevalt toitu ja lahkus pesalt.
Kurepojad olid ilma järelvalveta pesal peaaegu poole neljani. Isaslinnu naastes sai pojad toidetud. Kaia saabus pesale alles kell kolmveerand viis ja siis siirdus Karl toitu hankima.

GT (without any corrections)
It was raining all day yesterday, it was raining at night. The male bird Karl covered the pups, but everyone was quite wet. In such rainfall, it can be difficult for storks to fish if water droplets make the water flicker.
The morning was already sunny and the female Kaia arrived at the nest, where she was until noon, when the male returned to the nest with prey. Yesterday, the little owls who ate little food begged for food, and the female bird pecked at the smallest… See you in the next few days, what could happen?
At about one o'clock the male bird decided to leave the sons on because they were constantly begging for food in the presence of the old birds and left the nest.
The ungulates were in the nest for almost half past four without supervision. When the males returned, the sons were fed. Kaia arrived at the nest only at three-quarters past five and then Karl went to get food.
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Re: Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

Post by Madli »

By Looduskalender 18.06.2022

The karula chicks are growing and other news

The older storklets became three weeks old today, but the smallest one of the trio hatched three days later than the rest.

The male bird Karl has taken more care of the chicks than the female bird Kaia. Karl spends the night with storklets. Going in search of food in the morning, his day's journey can reach sixty-five kilometers (his journey is marked by a transmitter by Anne, a member of the LK forum). The male feeds the pups about five times a day. The female fed the chicks this morning, but only after a long time.

NB! The chicks of the black stork in Jõgeva County were taken from the clinic's indoors to a neighbouring outdoor building so that the young birds could adapt to the natural weather conditions. Tomorrow, June 19, the storklets will be four weeks old.
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Re: Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

Post by Madli »

By Looduskalender 25.06.22

We are already four weeks old.

The two biggest chicks became four weeks old. Three days younger and a little smaller one grows slightly after the others. Everyone is already standing on their own two feet, practicing their wings and growing black feathers.

Storks spend the nights in the nest without guarding of the old birds. The father bird Karl spent the nights in the nest until Tuesday. The weather has changed for the summer: the young birds are hot during the day, but their thermoregulation has developed and the nights are no longer cold.

The chicks are growing, the need for food is increasing and the male bird Karl has a radio transmitter that allows us to measure the journey he needed to get food. This weeks longest trip was about 150km. (Karl's day trip has been calculated by Anne, a member of the LK forum). The female bird Kaia has also taken care of the chicks in this past week, although the amounts of food she brings to the nest are not that big. They can manage.
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Re: Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

Post by Madli »

By Looduskalender 29.06.2022

Two storklets should get a new foster family today

The mother bird Kaia, who stayed at the nest for the night and went to get food for the chicks at a quarter to five in the morning, interrupted the bringing of the foster child last night.

Urmas Sellis and Madis Leivits will try again today. Two young black storks are moved to different nests. Karl and Kaia's nest will probably be reached around midnight or later. Before that, one of the stork chicks will be taken to the male bird Eedi's nest, which may also take more time than planned.

We can see and in the morning we will let you know about the situation.
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Re: Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

Post by Madli »

By Looduskalender 30.06 2022

What's happening in the stork nest

Karula's stork's nest got a foster child, whom LK forum members aptly named Bonus.

Why didn't we write a story immediately after ringing, measuring, weighing the nestlings and leaving the foster child in the nest?

Urmas and Ain, members of Kotkaklubi, visited the nest (he took care of recording the data below and the delivery of supplies).

An immediate review does not give a picture until the old birds have visited the nest to get to know the situation. Do they accept the foster son and what is their attitude and behavior? Any such undertaking may contain unimaginable and random dangers that even the most experienced ornithologists cannot foresee.

Urmas was at the nest for a little over an hour. The nestlings vocalized restlessly in relation to the disturber, but Urmas covered them with a jacket, which reminded the storks of the covering by the old birds a few weeks ago, and the young birds calmed down.

All three got rings, with the longest ten-centimeter beak was the largest stork, which weighed about 2.4 kg. The weight of the little one remained about half a kilo smaller. Although foster child Boonus is a week older and looks bigger, his weight is only one hundred grams more than the bigger nestling.

But let's look at the morning's events.

Everything is new for Bonus, who spent 24 days in the clinic: a trip to the unknown, new nestmates, sounds of the forest, and of course adaptation takes time. So we too can observe something completely new.

The female Kaia arrived at the nest at half past nine. The stepson Boonus received the female bird with a defensive attitude like an intruder. There is nothing surprising, because in the clinic they had a motionless "stork figure" next to the nest, and the image of the old bird as a feeder may have been forgotten. During the first flight, Kaia fed the nestlings and after a while brought a branch to the nest and later a wet straw for the nestlings to reduce the water requirement of the nestlings in the heat. The female bird has taken care of the so-called drink during the entire heat wave, but the stepchild's attitude was repulsive even then. Did the female bird carefully study the change in the increased litter, or is it just our human nature to think?

The young nestmates seem to have recognized Bonus - at least in some part because his behavior is slightly different.

The male bird Karl arrived at the nest a few minutes before ten and the female bird Kaia left.

Karl fed the storks and there is no time to calculate because the family wants to be fed.

In any case, interesting nesting times. We can only keep our fingers crossed for success.
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Re: Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

Post by marika.solo »


Nõnda käib kurepesa lisasöötmine - This is how supplementary feeding of the stork's nest works
Posted by Looduskalender - Tue, 05.07.2022 - 19.00
Authors Track camera image from the feeding place by Urmas Sellis

photo https://www.looduskalender.ee/n/sites/d ... 7/Kaia.jpg
text under photo:
Paistab et emaslind Kaia on ülesse leidnud sumba kaladega (It seems that the female bird Kaia has found a sumba with fish)

Karulas on ojale pandud sumba emaslind Kaia ülesse leidnud. Eile toitis ta poegi vähemalt kolmel korral ja täna on emaslind samuti poegi kenasti toitnud. Paigaldatud sai lisaks teine sump kaladega. Kolmandat sumpa tuleb samuti varustada sest isaslind Eedi pesas kasvab teine Jõgevamaa pesa kasulaps ja kolm oma pesapoega. Seal on Eedi käimisi rajakaamera salvestanud.
Kogred tuleb püüda ja ülepäeviti eluskalad sumpadesse toimetada. Ühte sumpa läheb kuni kaheksakümmend kala, millest peaks jaguma vanalindudel poegadele viimiseks vähemalt kaheks korralikuks toidukorraks. Kotkaklubi linnumeestel võtab selline paari päevaste vahedega varustamine kaladega hulga aega ja muidugi kilomeetreid.
Kuu aega tagasi teavitasime annetamiste võimalusest Kotkaklubile. Saadetud summa kulus kahe väikesemõõdulise raadiosaatja tellimiseks. Neid saab kasutada tänavuste musta-toonekure noorlindude rändetee salvestamiseks.
Pöördume vaatajate poole palvega annetada võimalusel sest eelnimetaud lisatoitmine on üle ootuste kulukas, aega ja vaevanõudev.
LK foorumi poolt ülesse pandud toetuskeskond on turvaline ja selle leiate aadressilt: LINK

Madli corrected the text, thank you :D

the new translation:
Female Kaia has found the fish basket installed in the stream in Karula NP. Yesterday she fed the chicks at least three times and she has fed them nicely also today. A second basket with fish was installed. The third fish basket needs to be also filled because in male bird Eedi's nest grows the second chick from Jõgeva county plus three nestlings. Trail camera has recorded Eedi's visits there.
The Crucian carp needs to be caught and delivered to the baskets every other day. Up to 80 fish goes into one basket, which should be enough for at least two proper feedings for the chicks.
This kind of supplying of the fish with a few days apart takes the bird-men of Kotkaklubi a lot of time and of course, kilometres.
A month ago we announced about the opportunity to donate to Kotkaklubi. The received sum went to order two small radio transmitters. They can be used to track the migration path of this year's chicks.
The donation page set up by the LK members is safe and here's the link: https://www.leetchi.com/c/kotkaklubiWe appeal to the viewers with a request to donate if possible, because the mentioned supplementary feeding is unexpectedly overly costly and time (and effort) consuming.

1/ Kotkaklubi donations account
2/ public-fund raising site
More information:

Please support the clinic and the great work of Dr Madis Leivits!
Patients from wild animals at the University of Life Sciences can be supported:
Estonian University of Life Sciences Joosep Tootsi Foundation
EE637700771000812666 (LHV)
Write "wild animal" in the explanation
More information:
https://loomakliinik.emu.ee/suurloomakl ... meditsiin/
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Re: Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

Post by marika.solo »

without corrections


Kasulapse esimene nädal uue perekonnaga - A foster child's first week with a new family
Postitas Looduskalender - K, 06.07.2022 - 11.11

btw. the same screenshots are in our forum here viewtopic.php?p=5862#p5862 too (taken by Adria)

photo (screenshot from 06.07.2022 at 08.53.43)
text under photo: Keskhommikune toidukord (Mid-morning meal)

Karula must toonekurgede pere sai nädala eest omale kasulapse, kes sai samal päeval LK foorumi liikmetelt tabava nime Boonus.
Söötmise pildilt näeme, et kõik noorlinnud konkureerivad sarnaselt vanalinnu toodud toidu pärast. Teisi sõnu Boonus on Karula pesa elukorralduse omandanud, aga samuti hulga käitumistavasid ja noorlindude suhtumine Boonusesse on täiesti omaks tunnistatud. Vanalindude aeg kulub kasvavatele ehk näljastena tunduvatele pesapoegadele toidu hankimisega. Hea, et lähiümbruskonna ojadele on paigutatud kaks kalasumpa, mida ülepäevaselt eluskaladega täiendatakse. Sumpasid on pandud kontrollima rajakaamerad, mis annavad tunnistust, et emaslind Kaia on kalasumba ülesse leidnud. Isaslind Karl on teada ja tuntud kalasumpadest toidu hankija.
See the story of supplementary feeding: LINK
But let's look at the ages of the storks and their difference. The oldest is the stepchild Bounus, because it was hatched in Jõgevamaa's nest earlier than Karula's nestlings. He has already turned 45 days old, while Karula's oldest crane chicks turned 39 days old and the youngest and smallest only 36 days old.

photo (screenshot from 06.07.2022 at 08.53.46)
text under photo: Isalind Karlil on raske ahvenat tema teravate ogade tõttu neelust välja öökida, et poegadele toita (Male bird Karl has a hard time getting the perch out of his throat to feed his young because of its sharp spines)

The black stork family of Karula got a foster chick a week ago, who got the apt name Bonus from the members of the LK forum the same day.
From the picture of the feeding, we can see that all the young birds compete similarly for the food brought to the old bird. In other words, Bonus has acquired the living arrangements of the Karula's nest, but also a number of behavioural habits and the young birds' attitude towards Bonus has been recognized as its own. The old birds spend their time getting food for the growing, i.e. hungry, nestlings. It is good that two fish tanks have been placed on the nearby streams, which are replenished with live fish around the clock. The sumps have been made to check the trail cameras, which testify that the female bird Kaia has found the fish sump. The male bird Karl is a well-known and well-known source of food from fish ponds.
See the story of supplementary feeding: LINK

But let's look at the ages of the storks and their difference. The oldest is the stepchild Bonus, because it was hatched in Jõgevamaa's nest earlier than Karula's nestlings. He has already turned 45 days old, while Karula's oldest stork chicks turned 39 days old and the youngest and smallest only 36 days old.
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Re: Karula National Park (Karl II and Kaia)

Post by Madli »

I can add here some information about preening.
Something educational between the documenting ;)

Second only to feeding, PREENING is a common bird behavior easily observed in all birds.
Preening is a bird's way of grooming its feathers to keep them in the best condition. While preening, birds remove dust, dirt, and parasites from their feathers and align each feather in the optimum position relative to adjacent feathers and body shape. Most birds will preen several times and hours a day to keep themselves healthy.
The uropygial gland, or preen gland, is an essential part of preening. This gland is found near the base of the tail and produces an oily, waxy substance that helps waterproof feathers and keep them flexible. While preening, birds spread this oil to each feather so they are evenly coated and protected.

Preening serves several essential purposes for birds, including:
- Moisturizing feathers with preen oil so they are flexible and strong, instead of brittle and easily breakable. This helps feathers better withstand the stress of flight.
- Aligning feathers for optimum waterproofing and insulation to protect against adverse conditions, such as soaking or extreme hot or cold temperatures.
- Removing feather parasites and body lice that can destroy feathers or carry disease. This keeps birds healthier and protects the entire flock or nest from an outbreak.
- Removing tough sheaths from newly molted feathers. Removing these sheaths helps gets feathers into the proper position more quickly so they can be useful right away.
- Creating a healthier appearance to attract a mate. A healthier, more attractive bird will attract a stronger mate and have a better chance of raising many strong, healthy chicks.
- Bonding between mates as a courtship ritual that involves mutual preening, called allopreening. This is a form of communication between mates and helps keep their connection strong.
Source: https://www.thespruce.com/why-birds-preen-386448

The uropygial gland is the preen or oil gland and is found at the doral base of the tail. It is most developed in waterfowl and maintains feather condition and waterproofing. It also acts as a bacteriostat.
Lipid secreted by this gland and the epidermal cells are spread over the feathers by the bill during preening. This lipid layer forms a protective bacteriostatic layer over the skin and may explain why birds are less prone to skin infections.
The secretion is a complex mixture of ester waxes, fatty acids, lipids and wax alcohols. Contact of the beak with the papilla induces a flow of secretion.
The uropygial gland produces a sebaceous material containing vitamin D precursors, which are converted to the active form of vitamin D3 when exposed to ultraviolet light. During preening, the active form of the vitamin is ingested.
Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/ve ... gial-gland
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Re: Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

Post by marika.solo »

without corrections


Karula must-toonekure poegade vanusest - About the age of the chicks of Karula black stork
Postitas Looduskalender - L, 09.07.2022 - 10.10

Neli pesapoega on erinevate vanustega.
Kaks vanemat Karula pesas koorunut saavad täna kuue nädala ehk 42 päeva vanusteks. Noorimal ja pisemal jääb selle vanuseni kolm päeva.
Kasulaps Boonus ainsana, jalanumbriga 7184, toodi EMU kliinikust pesasse teistele seltsiks kümne päeva eest. Tema on pesaelanikest pea nädala jagu vanem ehk 48 päeva vanune ehk saab homme seitsme nädala vanuseks.
Boonus võttis päris kiiresti omaks kõik Karula pesa kombed, käitudes nüüdseks sarnaselt kolmele pesapojale.
Kasulapse toomisega peresse oli mureks, kuidas suudavad vanalinnud kasvavaid ja pidevalt näljaseid noorlinde toita. Pesa ümbrusesse on paigutatud kaks söödasumpa, mida ülepäeviti kaladega varustatakse ehk sumpa tuuakse umbes kolmveerandsada püütud eluskala.
Rajakaamera ülesvõtte saatis Urmas Sellis

Isaslind Karl söödasumba juures

Kuid söödasumba leidis ülesse ka võõras must-toonekurg, kelle rajakaamera avastas.
Seni on Karula pesal kurepojad toidetud ja pesale toitu tooma näema sageli ka emaslind Kaiat, sest pojad peab lennu- ning rändevõimelisteks kasvatama.

The four nestlings are of different ages.
The two older Karula hatched in the nest will be six weeks or 42 days old today. The youngest and smallest have three days left until this age.
The foster child Bonus, the only one, with leg number 7184, was brought from the EMU clinic to the nest for the company of others ten days ago. He is almost a week older than the nestlings, i.e. 48 days old, i.e. he will be seven weeks old tomorrow.
The Bonus pretty quickly adopted all the manners of the Karula's nest, now behaving like the three nestlings.
With the introduction of a foster child, the family was worried about how the old birds would be able to feed the growing and constantly hungry young birds. Two bait bins (Marika: fish basket) are placed around the nest, which are supplied with fish every other day, i.e. about three quarters of a hundred live fish are brought to the bin.
The track camera recording was sent by Urmas Sellis

But a strange black stork also found the fodder and was detected by the trail camera.
Until now, stork chicks have been fed at Karula's nest, and the female bird Kaia is often seen bringing food to the nest, because the chicks have to be raised to be able to fly and migrate.
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Re: Karl II and Kaia (Karula NP)

Post by marika.solo »


Veel niipalju, et Boonus 2 Eedi pesas on samuti kümne päevaga kenasti kohanenud

Eedi pesa ja Boonus 2 nende seas (Eedi's nest and Bonus 2 among them)

NB! Metsavaheteedel autoga liikujad olge tähelepanelikud!

Valge-toonekurgi võib kohata väiksematel metsaga piiratud maanteedel, aga sealt ei saa nad teelt kõrvale lennata, vaid lähevad auto eest lendu piki teed, mis võib olla ohtlik nii lindudele kui vastu sõitvale liiklusvahendile. Eelmisel nädalal said mitmed liiklusvahendite juhid pidama, aga nagu teame on tegu päris suurte lindudega. Ettevaatust.

NB! Drivers on forest crossings, be careful!

White storks can be found on smaller roads bordered by forest, but from there they cannot fly off the road, but fly in front of the car along the road, which can be dangerous for both the birds and the oncoming traffic. Last week, several drivers of traffic vehicles got caught, but as we know, these are pretty big birds. Caution.
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