Interesting news about black storks

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Re: Interesting news about black storks

Post by Adria »

Many thanks Madli :) . It's great to see behind the scenes and how it all went down :D
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Re: Interesting news about black storks

Post by marika.solo »

October 24

FRANCE ... n-prudente
A cautious black stork

Unusual image, if any, that this black stork which has taken up residence in the village of Meslières for two days. This cousin of the Alsatian white stork is much rarer; it is also on the red list of endangered animals. Is that why she takes the pedestrian crossing to get her food in the Acorn, on the other side of the bridge?

Photo ER

Meslières is a commune in the Doubs département in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region in eastern France.
maybe here
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Re: Interesting news about black storks

Post by marika.solo »

October 25


Majestic Black Stork in Semoutiers

It was installed last weekend. From now on, a majestic black stork, emblem of the National Forest Park, spreads its wings around the roundabout that leads to the Semoutiers motorway tollbooth. Motorists who take the A5 or who travel on the Chaumont – Arc-en-Barrois axis have not failed to see this work of art, for which a call for tenders had been launched by the Departmental Council of the Haute-Marne in 2020.
The visual artist, Michèle Caillaud-Houël, lives in Aube. She is notably the author of a sculpture homage to Simone Veil, whose name was given to the hospital of Troyes.


Semoutiers-Montsaon is a commune in the Haute-Marne department in north-eastern France.
Michèle Caillaud-Houël
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Re: Interesting news about black storks

Post by marika.solo »

November 29

previous FB post to this BS (next post here) viewtopic.php?p=11061#p11061

POLAND - FB news Klekusiowo-Ośrodek Rehabilitacji Dzikich Zwierząt (Klekusiowo-Rehabilitation Center for Wild Animals) ... tsN7vPtol

The bright side of volunteering ❤️
Volunteering in Klekusiów relies on dealing with wild animals, it allows you to get to know them better. It teaches empathy and respect for animals.
In the pictures our blind black stork Pepiczek together with his friend ❤️ One of the most active volunteers 😁 What's her name? 😁
If you want to start volunteering, Klekusiowo is the best place ❤️ We warmly invite new volunteers ❤️



thx to our newest member tomas.macek for the hint :D
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Re: Interesting news about black storks

Post by marika.solo »


information about the blind BS ... TJR8WSkDZl

PEPÍČEK (PL: Pepiczek)
(Marika: Pepíček - [ˈpɛpiːt͡ʃɛk] - is diminutive of the male given name Pepa, a pet form of Josef in Czech language)

(GT withou correction yet)
Black Stork, unusual, blind. He came to our center in early September 2017. From the information on the ring, it appears that he comes from the Czech Republic - hence his name 🙂 (Marika: ring numer 6216)
Thirteen and a half years old. He will never see it. Pepiczek does not leave the aviary for his safety. He has learned his living place perfectly and cleverly avoids all obstacles. He even has his favourite diaper, on which he often spends his time dignifiedly.
Pepiczko's delicacy is carps, he is eager to catch them from the seedling. Hes a little munchkin. He is also very curious. Unfortunately, he won't be able to explore the world any-more because he will never regain his sight 😥
He will stay with us for the rest of his birdie days ❤️
We have a request.
Pepiczek and his bird friends need food adapted to each species. Unfortunately feeding all the birds is a huge burden on our resort.

Please support Pepiczko and the rest of the gang ❤️❤️❤️
PayPal - Saving the animals:
Rehabilitation Center of Wild Animals Klekusiowo
Santander Bank Poland S.A. 06 1090 1939 0000 0001 3025 4603
For those who transfer from abroad:
IBAN: PL06 1090 1939 0000 0001 3025 4603

(click for big pic)
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Re: Interesting news about black storks

Post by Madli »

This is such a sweet story actually. Despite being blind, the stork lives a peaceful life and can manage quite well. (in captivity)
I wish many happy days for this lovely stork!
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Re: Interesting news about black storks

Post by marika.solo »


news - black stork named Czaruś
(see previous posts: viewtopic.php?p=8770#p8770, viewtopic.php?p=8741#p8741 and viewtopic.php?p=9055#p9055)

black stork could be seen on the life streaming from the Rescue Station "Chance for Stork" Association in Kozubszczyzna


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Re: Interesting news about black storks

Post by marika.solo »


FB Miki Alkobi ... FX7RKt8Fzl

we don't see often juvenile (subadult?) black storks and there is a little group :D (Nahariya - Israel:

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Re: Interesting news about black storks

Post by marika.solo »


International mission in Poland. October 7-9, 2022

Summary of the information:
Arrivals at the nest: extreme dates
- 2018 first bird: 27 March, second 3 April
- 2019 first bird: 26 March, second 1 April
- 2020 first bird: 22 March, second 31 March, average 25 March - 1. April

Date of start of laying:
- three-year average: April 12
- earliest March 30 - latest May 4

Hatching date:
- average May 16
- average incubation period 32 days

Number of chicks hatched:
- average 3.4 chicks per pair with successful laying (number examined clutches: 38)
- hatching success rate: 82.7%

Adult individual stays with chicks for an average of 8 days.
Adult individual ceases to be permanently in the nest on average after 19 days.
The adult no longer spends the night in the nest from 26 days after the hatching of the last chick.

The average number of chicks per successful clutch
- 2.84, ie 81.4% success rate after hatching

Flight of the last young in the nest
- between July 21 and September 6, on average August 9

The pine marten regularly visits the nests when the storks hibernate. No case of predation on eggs or young during the breeding season was recorded during our study.
Between 2017 and 2020, martens visited 65% of nests and hawks 41%. During the monitored period, 17 nests were monitored, with a total of 37 reproductions.

(source: https://ciconia-nigra-international-exp ... obre-2022/ - also photos :-) )

EDIT: here you can open big pics ... obre-2022/
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Re: Interesting news about black storks

Post by marika.solo »


(GT without corrections)
International Black Stork Mission in Latvia and Estonia. September 22-27, 2021

In Estonia, the mission consisted of dismantling two web camera devices that allow watching live on YouTube the process of rearing the cubs from the return of the adults in March until the fledglings fledge. Mr. Urmas SELLIS, who masters the climbing technique, dismantles the system: the image sensor and microphone in the nest, the camera on a nearby tree, the further placed antenna for retransmission and finally the batteries on the ground at a distance of about thirty meters. . One of the nests is located in a pine tree in Karula National Park.
It is the smallest Estonian national park with a total area of ​​123 km². It was established in 1993. It consists of 70% forest. 40 lakes are counted. There are also swamps, bogs and some grassy farmland. The relief is slightly hilly, the highest point is 137.8 m.
Black stork breeding is regular in Karula National Park with an average of two breeding pairs per year. A bear ravaged the apiary. The national park is responsible for compensation.
The second nest north of Tartu is located in a birch tree equipped with a web camera. One of the chicks equipped with a transmitter started its migration through France (ie through the east), which is unusual for Estonian black storks, which mainly migrate through the east, the Bosphorus, then east Africa to Ethiopia and Sudan. LPO Aisne attended the search for the bird, which was not found. A malfunction of the transmitter is possible.
This same nest suffered a brown bear predation attempt in the past, claw marks on the trunk. But the nest was too high. The animal was spotted by a camera trap.

(source: https://ciconia-nigra-international-exp ... mbre-2021/ also photos - you can see Urmas and Dr. Strazds)

EDIT: here you can open big pics ... mbre-2021/
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