Skierka's offspring (Bodzio and Bajka, hatched 2022)

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Skierka's offspring (Bodzio and Bajka, hatched 2022)

Post by marika.solo »

Skierka's offspring (hatched 2022 - streamed nest in Bolewice forest district, parents: Bolek/M and Skierka/F)

autumn migration started:
- 14.08 - BAJKA 11U6 (female)
- 15.08 - BODZIO 12U6 (male)
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Re: BS from the nest of Bolewicze (Bodzio and Bajka, hatched 2022)

Post by marika.solo »

youtube chat info by Mr. Dariusz Anderwald

​"Dzień dobry, Bajka od wczoraj w Brandenburgii pod Brussow pokonało 163km. Wystartowała o 10ej zakończyła około 18ej. Szczegóły i mapka będą dziś na FB BocianiMy. Bodzio jeszcze nocował, więc ....?"

"Hello, Bajka since yesterday is in Brandenburg near Brussow, she has covered 163km. She started at 10h and finished around 18 h. Details and the map will be on FB BocianiMy. Bodzio stayed overnight, so ....?"

finger crossed very, very much!

thx Maria Lewandovska for hint :-) viewtopic.php?p=8387#p8387
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Re: BS from the nest of Bolewicze (Bodzio and Bajka, hatched 2022)

Post by marika.solo »

FB BocianiMy ... JEX2NjFoPl

Bajka z Bolewic już w Brandenburgii
Bajka ruszyła wczoraj w 94 dniu życia zaraz po nakarmieniu przez Bolka Wybrała zachodni szlak migracyjny. Wystartowała około 10ej skończyła o 18ej pod Brussow i przemieściła się 163 km na NW od gniazda. Życzymy pomyślnych wiatrów i szczęścia w pokonaniu Sahary Zachodniej. Bodzio został i nadal pojawia się na gnieździe.

BAJKA from Bolewice is already in Brandenburg (Marika - Germany)
Bajka started yesterday at 94 days old right after being fed by Bolek She chose the western migration path. She took off around 10 h and finished at 18 h near Brussow and moved 163 km NW from the nest. We wish you fair winds and good luck in crossing the Western Sahara. Bodzio stayed and is still showing up on the nest.


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Re: BS from the nest of Bolewice (Bodzio and Bajka, hatched 2022)

Post by marika.solo »

youtube chat info by Mr. Dariusz Anderwald

​Dzień dobry, Bodzio o 9:35 odleciał. Co ciekawe także w kierunku NW czyli trochę jakby "za Bajką", ale na razie tylko 6 km, wiec może jeszcze na gniazdo wróci 🙂 Szczegóły wieczorem na FB BocianiMy

Hello, Bodzio left at 9:35 am. Interestingly, also in the direction of NW, which is a bit "behind the Bajka", but for now only 6 km, so maybe he will come back to the nest 🙂 Details in the evening on FB BocianiMy

in comments (see the previous post - FB news) you can read comment by BocianiMy:

"Bodzio posiedział rano na gnieździe i o 9:35 ruszył w kierunku "za Bajką" czyli NW. Szczęśliwej drogi 🙂"

Bodzio sat in the nest in the morning and at 9:35 he set off in the direction "behind the Bajka", ie NW. Happy/successfully/lucky way
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Re: BS from the nest of Bolewice (Bodzio and Bajka, hatched 2022)

Post by marika.solo »

thanx UrszulaMN for the hint :-)

youtube chat info by Mr. Dariusz Anderwald

​BODZIO w południe przeleciał przez N Berlin, poleciał w kierunku W, czyli na 5kę z +, wieczorem zatrzymał się 17km na E od Łaby.
BAJKA poleciała trochę za bardzo na NW i jest teraz niedaleko Grimmen. ​A więc oba młode wybrały raczej bezpieczniejszy kierunek migracji, choć czas pokaże. Dobrze, żeby np. przezimowały w S Hiszpanii i nie leciały dalej, ale to już pobożne życzenie [/i]🙂"

BODZIO flew through N Berlin at noon, flew towards W, that is 5ka from +, in the evening he stopped 17km E from the Elbe.

BAJKA flew a bit too much NW and is now near Grimmen. So both youngsters chose a safer direction of migration, although time will tell. It would be good if, for example, they would spend the winter in Spain and not fly any further, but it is a wishful thinking [/ i] 🙂 "

no time for corrections :-(
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Re: BS from the nest of Bolewice (Bodzio and Bajka, hatched 2022)

Post by marika.solo »

thanx Maria Lewandovska

Bodzio wystartował dziś w 95 dniu życia prosto z gniazda po 9:17. Rano ostatni raz postał chwilę na gnieździe i ruszył trochę inaczej jak Bajka, ale także zachodnim szlakiem migracyjnym. Nie zdążył pożegnać się z najlepszym bocianim tatą na świecie – Bolkiem :-) Bodzio w środku dnia przeleciał nad dzielnicami mieszkalnymi Berlina, a wieczorem na swój pierwszy nocleg zapadł w doskonałym miejscu w Rezerwacie Ptaków Fiener Bruch w odległości 257 km od rodzinnego gniazda. Rezerwat ten znajduje się też blisko starorzecza i kanałów Łaby i na szczęście wystarczająco daleko od ZATRUTEJ ODRY…
Bajka w tym dniu skręciła na NW i jest oddalona od Bodzia obecnie ponad 200 km na NE. Tak więc nasze rodzeństwo poleciało w różnym czasie i raczej już na zawsze rozdzieliło się. Życzymy bezpiecznej drogi na zimowiska.

Bodzio started today on his 95th day of life straight from the nest after 9:17. In the morning, for the last time, he stood for a while and set off in a different way than Bajka, but also along the western migration route. He did not have time to say goodbye to the best stork dad in the world - Bolek :-) In the middle of the day, Bodzio flew over the residential districts of Berlin, and in the evening he had his first night in a perfect place in the Fiener Bruch Bird Reserve, 257 km from his family nest. The reserve is also close to the oxbow lake and the Elbe canals, and fortunately far enough from the Poison Odra River ...
On that day, Bajka turned NW and is now more than 200 km NE. So our siblings flew at different times and rather separated forever. We wish you a safe path to wintering grounds.
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Re: BS from the nest of Bolewice (Bodzio and Bajka, hatched 2022)

Post by marika.solo »

FB BocianiMy ... %2CO%2CP-R

more in the evening - done

Bodzio from Bolewice is already in Saxony-Anhalt

Bodzio started at 95 days of age. In the morning, it was the last time on the nest of and ... he went a little differently than Bajka, but also down the western migration trail. He didn't have time to say goodbye to the best stork dad in the world - Bolek 🥰 who yesterday waited for his young for more than 4 hours! Bodzio at this time in the middle of the day flew over the residential districts 😲 Berlin, and in the evening for his first stay he landed in a perfect place in the Fiener Bruch Bird Reserve 257 km away from his family nest. This reserve is also close to the ancient city and the Elbe canals and fortunately enough away from the POISONED MEAL... 😱😭

BAJKA on the second day of the hike turned to the NW and is away from Bodzio, currently over 200 km to the NE. So our siblings flew at different times and rather separated forever. However, they are probably not alone, they have joined other groups of migrating black storks, which gather up to dozens of individuals in the feed areas at the time. We wish all the storks a safe journey to the winter camps 🙂


in the middle of the day flew over the residential districts 😲 Berlin

in the evening for his first stay he landed in a perfect place in the Fiener Bruch Bird Reserve

The bird sanctuary FIENER BRUCH is a two-part European bird sanctuary (SPA area) in the states of Brandenburg and Saxony-Anhalt in the wetland and lowland area Fiener Bruch and part of the protected area network Natura 2000

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Re: BS from the nest of Bolewice (Bodzio and Bajka, hatched 2022)

Post by Madli »

August 19

FB BocianiMy:


Bajka took a course to Bornholm

Something in our Bajka's head was "confused" and she flew 40 kilometers deep into the Baltic Sea! So black storks can fly not only over land 😲 Italian research on ospreys has shown that there are also small rising currents at the seaside and birds can use this. In this case, however, there was a mistake in navigation 🤓 and our young stork temporarily adopted the "reversed direction of migration". Fortunately, he quickly improved and turned back, made a large loop over Berlin N and ... flew towards # poisoned Odra which is only 27 km to today. Of course, we all offer Bajka standard direction: W / SW 🥰
# SGGWLZDRogów #Forest Fund #Storks # NadleśnictwoBolewice



I edited this pic from the FB post and added the end point location on a bigger map (approximate location)
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Re: BS from the nest of Bolewice (Bodzio and Bajka, hatched 2022)

Post by marika.solo »

in comments under previous FB post (here more viewtopic.php?p=8616#p8616)

by BocianiMy
Bajka wczoraj żerowała w rowach i kanałach w starorzeczu Odry na szczęście po niemieckiej stronie, ale i tak to nie jest obecnie dobre miejsce ☹
Yesterday, BAJKA was feeding in the ditches and canals in the oxbow lake of the Oder, fortunately on the German side, but it is still not a good place at the moment ☹


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