BS with transmitter from nest in RS Makov (to 31.12.2021)

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Re: BS with transmitter from CZECHIA

Post by marika.solo »

- we cannot rule out the transmitter failure, as no traces were found at the last location (overnight stay) and in the vicinity (by the river where he was looking for food)
- we can hope that he is still alive somewhere and once someone reads his ring and reports it to the ringing station

- if the stork had enough strength to continue the migration, it probably flew south over the Sahara and possibly continued to CAR (Central African Republic) or South Sudan or ...
- GSM coverage is very poor in these areas, so it is possible that at the time the data was to be sent, the stork was just off the net
- when the young storks start moving to a more suitable place in the late spring, it is likely that if our stork survived the migration and successfully overwintered, the transmitter will send the data again (do you remember the situation with young Vedru last season? he fell silent after crossing the Gulf of Suez during the autumn migration on Nov 30 and other data came in the spring on May 19 from Lebanon, but gradually all the data)

- based on my ability to interpret the data, I am neither able to unambiguously confirm or refute the death of the stork
- however, overwintering in this area would very probably be unsuccessful due to weather conditions
- it is possible to capture only a very weakened stork, and in the winter (frosty nights and days) it could probably mean a failed rescue
- I am very, very sorry for this situation

the overview - maps later

(the first map)
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Re: BS with transmitter from CZECHIA

Post by Hana »

Good evening,


The young black stork, an offspring of handicapped parents from the rescue station in Makov (21570 - GREEN), perished.
From September 11, it stayed in Serbia, near the border crossing to Croatia - Bogojevo.
For several days now, it was clear from the data provided by the transmitter that something was wrong.
We asked a Serbian ornithologist for help in finding the stork. He visited the place several times, but did not find the stork. Only this afternoon did he manage to find the remains of the stork and also the transmitter.
Unfortunately, the exact cause of the stork's death cannot be determined.
Thank Mr. Nenad Spremo for his helpfulness and for his efforts in the search for our stork.
I'm very, very sorry :cry:


Image ... 9333872948
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Re: BS with transmitter from CZECHIA

Post by Madli »

I'm very sorry for this situation

Fly high little Green. :cry:

Edit: Also to everyone who were involved in finding the answers about this stork: Thank you!
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Re: BS with transmitter from CZECHIA

Post by marika.solo »

Hana wrote: 05 Dec 2021, 19:56... The young black stork, an offspring of handicapped parents from the rescue station in Makov (21570 - GREEN), perished. ... I'm very, very sorry :cry: ...
Hi Hana,
thank you and big thank again to Mr. Nenad Spremo too

I am speechless ...
I am so sorry for every stork, especially these juveniles :(

Fly high little Green!
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Re: BS with transmitter from CZECHIA

Post by Hana »

GREEN - continuation

I still got a few photos from the location of the transmitter and the remains of the stork.

It can be seen that the transmitter is damaged, maybe bitten. There is a power line near the site of the find.
Feathers were found in three places not far from each other.



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Re: BS with transmitter from CZECHIA

Post by marika.solo »

December 07
Hello everyone :-)

Hana wrote: 05 Dec 2021, 22:29 ... I still got a few photos from the location of the transmitter and the remains of the stork. It can be seen that the transmitter is damaged, maybe bitten. There is a power line near the site of the find. Feathers were found in three places not far from each other. ...
Hi Hana, thank you again.

"The longevity of the black storks can be estimated based on colour ringing activities: the age distribution of live encounters. According to this; more than 20% reach adulthood (3 cy) and may start breeding; approximately 10% may live longer than 10 years, and some may reach more than 20 (approximately 5%). " ... "the survival rate of the species, with our present knowledge, shows a significant difference between first year (0.1696, 0.1297–0.219) and older birds (0.838, 0.773–0.887)." ... "Similarities in low survival of young might be due to similar main threatening factors – or causes of death – for the two species (marika.solo: white stork and black stork); for example, electrocution by and collision with power lines are reported as very serious for both species, especially in first-year birds (Schaub & Pradel 2004)." ...
(source: Tamás, E. (2011). Longevity and survival of the black stork Ciconia nigra based on ring recoveries. Biologia, 66(5), 912-915.
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Re: BS with transmitter from CZECHIA

Post by marika.solo »

last localisations in the area on 06.12.2021

edit: I changed this first pic, now it is with bigger stickers


the transmitter is now in Apatin ((Mr. Nenad Spremo, the finder lives there)
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Re: BS with transmitter from CZECHIA

Post by Flights2 »

December 15

Greetings to all.
I bring a set of visualizations for a poor black stork named "Zeleny" from Makov. I enclose the description in the original, in the Czech language. It can be freely translated using Google Translator into any language of the reader. Maybe no one will mind.
I wish you a pleasant viewing.

Zelený měl vlivem technproblémů výpadky záznamů dat během letů. Např. krásný přelet Karpat trval tomuto ptáku 2h. Bohužel data skončila těsně před pohořím, pak zrovna není 2h nic zaznamenáno a po 2h data opět zaznamenána. To samé se stalo cestou zpět. Trasa letu je ve vizualizaci pouze naznačená, určitě krásně kličkoval mezi kopci. Nebo vystoupal nad nejvyšší vrcholky? To nevíme. Podobné chybějící data jsou i v Podkarpatí, při krásném přeletu kopce Fruska Gora a jinde.
Musíme na to koukat schovívavě, díky za ostatní data, která máme. A máme jich spoustu.
Pokud ve vizualizacích vidíte rovnou čáru - naprosto rovný let, je tato trasa pouze dopočítaná kvůli chybějícím datům.

Odlet Makov 23.8., průběh celého dne, ale data jsou zaznamenaná pouze každou hodinu. Pouze pro představu, kudy se rámcově pohyboval.
Poté došlo k přenastavení vysílačky na hustší sběr dat. ... 6k2v6ye205

Prvni vyhlídkový let 27.8. ... 6ksez3yxnf

První rychlý let 27.8. ... 6kwjb05non

Šumava 29.8. ... 6kymkt1wur

Nové Hrady #1 30.8. ... 6k8jzhesou

u Českých Budějovic 30.8. ... 6kw7ag1xup

Nové Hrady #2 1.9. ... 6k55hvzgtu

to be continued later ...
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ayvri 3D flight visualization for Zeleny from Makov

Post by Flights2 »

... continued

Karpaty tam 2.9. ... 6kkmwbviat

otočka v Bulharsku - 2 dny + noc 2.9. - 3.9. zrychlete si průběh, pouze pro dokumentaci ... 6kra0caru0

PodKarpatí zpět 3.9. ... 6kq8dfjoli

termika - zajímavé stoupání do 1400m 3.9. ... 6kzxcu52rx

Karpaty zpět 3.9. ... 6ka6dx0jro

k řece Sava 4.9. ... 6kbhosw4zi

termika - zajímavé dvojité stoupání do 800m 4.9. ... 6kc7qyvh7t

u Bělehradu 5.9. ... 6ktr4h935a

pohoří Fruska Gora 6.9. ... 6k7zpwgz15

u Dunaje 9.9. ... 6kapfd5ybs

poslední hezké létání 11.9. ... 6ks96vxtk5

poslední polétání po vzdálenějším okolí, už s přestávkama 28.10. ... 6lju6v6s3l


Přeji Vám hezké koukání, občas si na Zeleného vzpomeňte.
Uhynul 27.11.2021 mezi 8:30 a 10:00 u Dunaje na hranicích Srbska a Chorvatska. Neuhynul v souboji, odcházel pomalu, ten den, od brzkého rána.
Přinesl nám mnoho zážitků, zajímavou nevídanou cestou na jih Evropy východní trasou a v Bulharsku s otočkou zpět přes kus světadílu, podobnou cestou se vracel zpět na severozápad.

Odkazy na vizualizace můžete ukazovat komu chcete, posílat komu chcete, sdílet kde chcete, zveřejňovat kde chcete.
Koukáme na to díky obětavé práci v Záchranné stanici živočichů Makov - a hlavně panu Šejnovi, který to všechno umožnil.
Díky pane Šejno a přeji Vám i Vaším současným i budoucím svěřencům mnoho sil a zdraví.

Lukáš - Lused1
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Re: BS with transmitter from CZECHIA

Post by Madli »

Thank you a lot Lukáš for your hard work and dedication! It's very pleasant to watch your 3D animations 🙂
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