Interesting news about black storks

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Re: Interesting news about black storks

Post by marika.solo »

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Re: Interesting news about black storks

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Re: Interesting news about black storks

Post by Madli »

UKRAINE ... iWr52gyShl

Within the framework of the "Ciconia-Ukraina" project, with the support of the "Ciconia" Foundation (Principality of Liechtenstein), the employees of the Park together with the employees of the State Museum of Natural History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Lviv) and the West Ukrainian Ornithological Society (ZUOT) ) Andrii Andriyovych Bokotei and Natalia Dzyubenko Natalia Vyacheslavivna carried out a field trip to the territory of the Kivertsivsk NPP "Tsumanska Pushcha" for the purpose of ringing chicks of the black stork (Ciconia nigra).




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Re: Interesting news about black storks

Post by Madli »


Stork Adaś from Różańsk
Yesterday we received a photo from the photo trap placed next to the nest rebuilt on Tuesday in # Nadleśnictwo Różańsko. The adult stork accepted our joint work and started feeding Adas , which survived the collapse of the nest due to strong winds. Many thanks to the local foresters, members of #KOO and Adam from #FORET, who, despite being bitten by bees, rebuilt the nest on a huge oak.

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Re: Interesting news about black storks

Post by Madli »

Madli wrote: 07 Jul 2022, 17:39 POLAND ... mPdEkV8AEl

Stork Adaś from Różańsk ... yCK2kH9bel
05.07.2022 at 22.26

Today, in the Różańsko Forest District, SGGW, the Forest Experimental Station in Rogów planned to set up loggers for our storks. However, when we arrived at the nest, it turned out that the entire branch with the nest fell from about 15 m in height during the Friday storm🌀
Fortunately, the young stork survived the fall, and one of the parents was constantly hovering around the nest that fell 😌☺️
We immediately started rebuilding the entire nest and fed the young stork.
The young is about 45 days old and weighs 1.7 kg (should be 2.7 kg). Unfortunately, it slightly fell off the weight, but after rebuilding the nest, it should recover. At the very end of our action, he even spread his wings 😉
Action full of impressions and successful.
Thank you to all "rescuers". You are great

Last edited by marika.solo on 08 Jul 2022, 14:03, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Interesting news about black storks

Post by marika.solo »

UNITED KINGDOM ... st-7201030
20 JUN 2022

Rare black stork chick is first to hatch in Devon

After three years of trying, a rare black stork chick finally hatched in Devon this month. The creature made its appearance at Rewilding Coombeshead, in Lifton. The a 300-acre site, dedicated to bringing back lost or declining species.
There are no black storks living in Britain in the wild and only a few in captivity.
Gow introduced the pair of black storks to Coombeshead eight years ago, bringing them over from Germany. The birds take a long time to mature and it's taken until now for them to breed. Two chicks hatched, but sadly only one survived. However Gow hopes the pair will go on to breed for another 25 years.

photo ... -06-22.jpg
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Re: Interesting news about black storks

Post by marika.solo »

CHINA ... 9945.shtml

Rare black storks visit Juma river in Hebei

Juma river, Laiyuan county, north China's Hebei Province

The black stork is listed as first-class wildlife species under special state protection in China, which makes it as precious as the giant panda.

more very nice photos - Photo: China News Service/Zhang Haibo
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Re: Interesting news about black storks

Post by marika.solo »

HUNGARY ... eason.html
2 days ago (08.07.2022)

Black storks are having a devastatingly bad breeding season

At the end of June 2022, the Nature Protection Guard Service of the Hortobágy National Park Directorate began monitoring the breeding success of the black stork population nesting in the Central Tisza Landscape Protection District.

Among the known nesting sites that have been occupied since spring, the pairs did not start nesting at several nests. In other cases, nestlings were destroyed during the hatching period or at a young hatchling age. In the tidal forests of the Tisza, only two of the 16 nests managed to find a chick, the National Park announced on its Facebook page.

As they said, the background of the extremely poor breeding results could be the insufficiency of the available food. Even though the winter and spring floods flooded the deeper areas of the wave field, filled the cubicles and backwaters, the dry, rainless period since the end of the summer of 2021 significantly decimated the population of amphibians and other aquatic organisms that form the food base of the black storks.

Surprisingly, nestlings with three hatchlings were found at some nests in Nagykunság, but the number of unsuccessful breeding pairs was also high, they wrote. The few successful nagykunság pairs all spawn near small bodies of water and canals with locally favourable conditions. The successfully hatched chicks were provided with marking rings suitable for unique identification by the conservation guards.

The participants of the Ifjú Kócsagőr program also helped check the nests and ring the chicks.

see also the FB post with photos ... yfqxvJkKBl
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Re: Interesting news about black storks

Post by marika.solo »


8F2 - Very Old Stork from Bieszczady

Thanks to the rings put on stork legs, you can find out even after many years how long these birds live and how far from their place of origin they breed 🧐 In this case, we have a proven record, because an adult photographed in the Bieszczady Mountains by Roman Pitucha, a member of #KOO, is 21 years old!

The #BocianiMy project data shows that about 80% of storks die within the first two years of life. The older the individual is, the more valuable it is, because each year it has more and more experience in obtaining food or avoiding the dangers of migration.
For example, our 5-year-old Skierka still has huge problems with the former (Marika: obtaining food ) and is looking for feeding grounds very far from the nest.

8F2 breeds in the Bieszczady Mountains about 60 km NE from the place of origin in Slovakia, while Skierka is completely different, i.e. about 250 km W from # Nadleśnictwo Skierniewice, in which we equipped it with a GPS-GSM transmitter in 2017 (ANDER).

Record holder stork photographed in the Bieszczady Mountains by a member of #KOO Roman Pitucha

Offspring of Record holder at the age of about 30 days also got ringed 😁

The Record holder natal dispersion was about 60 km NE (DA)
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Re: Interesting news about black storks

Post by marika.solo »

LATVIA ... 934553034/
14.07.2022 at 07.38

Latvijas valsts meži
Plānojot mežu apsaimniekošanu Balvu iecirknī, AS “Latvijas valsts meži” plānotājs Emīls Elksnītis pamanīja lielu ligzdu apsē un pazīmes liecināja, ka ligzda ir apdzīvota.
🪶Nākamajā dienā vecākais vides eksperts, ornitologs Uģis Bergmanis apsekoja ligzdu un konstatēja tajā trīs jaunos melnos stārķus. Dzīvotnes aizsardzībai ir izveidota teritorija ar mežsaimnieciskās darbības aizliegumu un buferzona ar ierobežotu saimniecisko darbību ligzdošanas periodā.
💡Melno stārķu skaits Latvijā ir ievērojami samazinājies, tāpēc katras dzīvotnes aizsardzība ir nozīmīgs ieguldījums šīs retās sugas saglabāšanā.
🔍LVM darbinieki ik gadu atrod ap 20 jaunas melno stārķu ligzdas, kuras tiek aizsargātas un iekļautas monitoringa programmā. Paldies Emīlam Elksnītim par vērtīgo atradumu!
👉Lasi plašāk:


Latvian state forests
While planning forest management in the Balvu area, Emīls Elksnītis, the planner of JSC "Latvijas valsts meži", noticed a large nest in an aspen and the signs indicated that the nest was occupied.
🪶The next day, senior environmental expert, ornithologist Uģis Bergmanis inspected the nest and found three young black storks in it. To protect the habitat, a territory with a ban on forestry activity and a buffer zone with limited economic activity during the nesting period have been created.
💡The number of black storks in Latvia has significantly decreased, so the protection of each habitat is an important contribution to the preservation of this rare species.
🔍LVM employees find about 20 new black stork nests every year, which are protected and included in the monitoring program. Thanks to Emīls Elksnītis for the valuable find!
Read more: ... rka-ligzdu
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