Jan and Janika (Jõgeva County)

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Re: Jan and Janika (Jõgeva County)

Post by marika.solo »

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VIDEO: nelja kurepoja hommikusöök - VIDEO: Breakfast for four stingrays
Postitas Looduskalender - E, 23.05.2022 - 09.00

Emaslind Janika saabus pesale kurepoegi toitma (The female Janika came to the nest to feed the pups)

Nii, et saame eilse kuupäevaga 22. maiga märkida nelja must-toonekure poja koorumisepäeva.
Munadest kostub helisid ehk pesas munad „räägivad“ ehk seega on meil ka perelisa oodata.

So, yesterday, May 22, we can mark the hatching day of the four sons of the black stork.
There are sounds from the eggs, ie the eggs in the nest are "talking", so we can also expect family support.
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Re: Jan and Janika (Jõgeva County)

Post by marika.solo »

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VIDEO: viies kurepoeg ja häälitsev muna - VIDEO: Fifth Stork and Voicing Egg
Postitas Looduskalender - T, 24.05.2022 - 12.30

Isaslind Jan toimetab pesal (The male Jan delivers the nest)

Nelja must-toonekure poja koorumisepäevaks saame lugeda 22. maid.
Täpsemalt toob numbrid välja LK foorum:
22.05.2022 kell 02:11 esimene kurepoeg koorus
22.05.2022 kell 10:58 teine ​​toonekurg koorus
22.05.2022 kell 11:41 kolmas kurepoeg koorus
23.05.2022 kell 06:02 neljas kurepoeg koorus
24.05.2022 kell 10:43 viies kurepoeg koorus
Täna 24. mail veidi enne kalla 11-st koorus kurepoeg viiendast munast ja kuuendast on kuulda häälitsusi. Kurepoegi segavad munakoored on pesast eemaldatud.
Lihtsalt nii see käib, kui emaslind on viljakas, aga haruldane kõigest hoolimata.
Elu, ilm ja toiduhulk näitavad kuidas arengud kurepesas kulgevad sest liigile omaseid ohtusid me varasemate aastate kogemusest teame.

(Under photo)
24.05.2022 at 10:43 the fifth stork in the choir

May 22 is the hatching day of the four sons of the black stork.
More details are provided by the LK forum:
22.05.2022 at 02:11 the first stork chorus
22.05.2022 at 10:58 another stork in the choir
22.05.2022 at 11:41 the third stork chorus
23.05.2022 at 06:02 the fourth cub in the choir

Today, on May 24, shortly before the fall, a stork's son hatched from the fifth egg and the sixth. The eggshells disturbing the pups have been removed from the nest.
This is simply the case when a female is fertile but rare in spite of everything.
Life, the weather and the amount of food show how developments in the capercaillie are going, because we know the dangers inherent in the species from the experience of previous years.
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Re: Jan and Janika (Jõgeva County)

Post by marika.solo »

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VIDEO: kuues kurepoeg pesas - VIDEO: Sixth Stork in the Nest
Postitas Looduskalender - N, 26.05.2022 - 08.59

Video Kotkaklubi (Eagle Club)
Hommikuks oli kuues kurepoeg viimasest munast koorunud (In the morning, the sixth stork had hatched from the last egg)

Kõigist kuuest munetud munast on kurepojad koorunud, mis tähendab, et kõik olid viljastatud. Sellist suurperet kohtab must-toonekurgedel väga harva. Kolm vanemat kurepoega on tänaseks nelja päeva vanused.

(Under photo)
24.05.2022 at 10:43 the fifth stork in the choir

Of the six eggs laid, the pups have hatched, which means that they were all fertilized. Such a large family is very rare on black storks.
Today, the three eldest stallions are four days old.
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Re: Jan and Janika (Jõgeva County)

Post by marika.solo »

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VIDEO: lasteaia kantseldamine - VIDEO: Kindergarten office
Postitas Looduskalender - L, 28.05.2022 - 10.10

(under photo)
Emaslind saabub pesale (The female arrives at the nest)

Videos näeme, milline on kurepoegade suuruste vahe Jõgevamaa must-toonekurgede pesas.
Kolm vanemat kurepoega koorusid 22. mail, neljas 23-ndal, viies 24-ndal ja kuues 26. mail.
Väiksemates vooluveekogudes on veeseis tavalisest madalam ja vanalindudel veel kalastamine veidi lihtsam. Loodame, et sademed tõstavad veeseisu, et kalad pääseksid ojades liikuma sest põua jätkumine viitab toidunappusele. Loodame parimat.

In the videos we can see the difference between the sizes of storks in the nest of black storks in Jõgeva County.
The three eldest stork choirs on May 22, the fourth on May 23, the fifth on May 24, and the sixth on May 26.
In smaller watercourses, the water level is lower than usual and fishing is still a little easier for old birds. We hope that the precipitation will raise the water level so that the fish can move in the streams, because the continuing drought indicates food shortages. Let's hope for the best.

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Re: Jan and Janika (Jõgeva County)

Post by marika.solo »

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Jõgevamaa pesas on nüüd viis kurepoega - There are now five stork pups in Jõgeva County
Postitas Looduskalender - L, 28.05.2022 - 22.45

(under photo)
Emaslind Janika pesal (Female Janika in the nest)

Pesasse on jäänud viis kurepoega.
Oli teada, et vanalinnud ei suuda lennu ja rännuvõimelisteks kuut kurepoega kasvatada ja vähemad või nõrgemad likvideeritakse pesast.
Täna õhtu peale kella kuut see juhtus kõige pisemaga. Pikaajalised vaatajad teavad nende pikkade aastate jooksul teadaolevaid ohte – kurb ikka.

There are five stallions left in the nest.
It was known that old birds would not be able to raise six storks to be able to fly and migrate, and fewer or weaker ones would be eliminated from the nest.
It happened the least after six o'clock tonight. Long-term viewers know the dangers known during those long years - sad still.
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Re: Jan and Janika (Jõgeva County)

Post by marika.solo »

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VIDEO: Jõgevamaa vanemad kurepojad said eile nädalasteks - VIDEO: The older progeny of Jõgeva County became weeks old yesterday
Postitas Looduskalender - E, 30.05.2022 - 10.10

(under video)
Emaslind Janika toidab ja hoolitseb kurepoegade eest (The female Janika feeds and takes care of the pups)

Kurepesas vajavad hoolitsust viis kurepoega. Kolm vanemat koorusid 22. mail, neljas päev hiljem ja viies omakorda järgmisel päeval.

In the prankster, five pranksters need care. The three parents chose on May 22, the fourth day later, and the fifth the next day.

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Re: Jan and Janika (Jõgeva County)

Post by marika.solo »

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Ülevaade Jõgevamaa must-toonekure pesaelust - An overview of the nest life of the black stork in Jõgeva County
Postitas Looduskalender - N, 02.06.2022 - 13.23

(under photo)
Emaslind Janika ootab kaasat, katab kurepojad, et need toitu ei manguks (The female Janika is waiting for her, she covers the sons so that they don't eat food)

Viimaste päevade aegu võime märgata, et vanalinnud veedavad poegadega pesal aega väga pikalt ehk teisisõnu poegade toitmise vaheajad on muutunud pikkadeks.
31. mail saabus emaslind Janika pesale kolmveerand seitse ja toitis kurepoegi. Kell üheksa õhtul saabus isaslind Jaan pesale, toitis ja jäi kurepoegadega ööbima. Hommikul said kurepojad isaslinnult toiduks eelmisel päeval püütud kalad ja jäädi ootama emaslinnu pesale saabumist.
Eile 1. juunil saabus emaslind pesale alles kel pool viis õhtul ja Jan sai siirduda koheselt oma jahimaadele Saak oli suhteliselt kesine, aga pojad said üle pika aja toidetud. Emaslind jäi poegadega ööbima.
Täna st 2. juunil on endiselt poegadega pesal emaslind. Isaslindu pole me näinud juba 21 tundi…
Mis võib olla põhjuseks?
Kui Janiga on kõik korras, siis tegeleb ta toiduhankimisega. Viimaste päevade ilmad on olnud muutlikud. Hoovihma sajud on kergitanud nendes ojades vett, kus vanalinnud kalastasid ja seega võiks arvata, et tuleb otsida uusi kohti… Loodame olukorrast selgust saada ja anname teile toimunud muutustest teada.

In recent days, we can see that old birds spend a very long time with their young in the nest, in other words, the feeding breaks for their young have become long.
On May 31, three-quarters of seven females arrived at Janika's nest and fed the pups. At nine in the evening, the male bird arrived at Jaan's nest, fed and stayed overnight with the stork pups. In the morning, the goslings received food from the male bird caught the day before and waited for the female bird to arrive at the nest.
Yesterday, on June 1, the female did not arrive at the nest until half past five in the evening, and Jan was able to move to her hunting grounds immediately. The female stayed overnight with the pups.
Today, ie on June 2, there is still a female in the nest with the pups. We haven't seen males in 21 hours…
What could be the reason?
If Jan is okay, he's getting food. The weather in recent days has been volatile. Rain showers have raised the water in the streams where the old birds fished, so you might want to look for new places… We hope to find out and let you know.
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Re: Jan and Janika (Jõgeva County)

Post by marika.solo »

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Jõgevamaa kurepesas on olukord halb - The situation is bad in Jõgeva County
Postitas Looduskalender - N, 02.06.2022 - 21.25


Viimati toitis emaslind poegi eile pesale saabudes 29 tunni eest. Ilm oli vilu ja tuuline ja näljaseid poegi oli hea katta, et nad toitu ei manguks, mida lihtsalt pole.
Vaata eelmist sissekannet, mis olukorda selgitab: LINK
Ühe vanalinna hukkumine pesitsusajal tähendab pesitsuse ebaõnnestumist. Seda, et mõni vanalindudest lihtsalt lahkub, täheldatakse väga harva, sest vanalinnud on poegadega tihedalt seotud.
Mingi lisasöötmine või ka möödunud aastal Kotkaklubi poolt kalade viimine must-toonekurgede toitumisojale ei kandnud vilja. Lisaks on kurepojad veel väiksed, vajades katmist ja soojendamist – olukord on halb. Ainuke lootus on, kui isaslind Jan homme hommikul pesale naaseks…
Kell kaheksa õhtul jäi pesasse neli kurepoega. Päevaga loiuks jäänud kõige noorema ja väiksema kurepoja emaslind kõrvaldas.
Vaatajatele kurb, aga peame olukorrast teavitama. Kotkaklubi kaalub võimalusi, kuidas homme hommikul edasi tegutseda.


June 2 is at half past nine in the evening, the male bird left the nest yesterday at half past five or 29 hours.
The last time the female fed the sons was 29 hours ago when she arrived at the nest. The weather was bitter and windy, and it was good to cover the hungry sons so that they would not eat food that simply did not exist.
See the previous post for an explanation: LINK
The death of an old town during the breeding season means the failure of the nesting. It is very rare for any of the old birds to leave, as the old birds are closely associated with the pups.
No additional feeding or even last year the Eagle Club brought the fish to the black stork's feeding house did not bear fruit. In addition, the progeny are still small, needing cover and warming - the situation is bad. The only hope is when the male bird Jan returns to the nest tomorrow morning…
At eight o'clock in the evening, four stallions remained in the nest. The female of the youngest and smallest capercaillie, which remained sluggish for a day, was eliminated.
It is sad for viewers, but we need to report the situation. The Eagle Club is considering how to move forward tomorrow morning.
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Re: Jan and Janika (Jõgeva County)

Post by marika.solo »

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Üle 40 tunni pole isaslindu pesal näha - No males are seen in the nest for more than 40 hours
Postitas Looduskalender - R, 03.06.2022 - 08.08

(under photo)
Täna hommikune pilt pesalt. Emaslind Janika on kurepojad katnud (This morning a picture from the nest. The female Janika has covered the goslings)

Isaslind Jan lahkus oma Jõgevamaa pesalt üleeile 1. juunil kell pool viis ja pole senajani tagasi saabunud.
Midagi peab olema isaslinnuga juhtunud ja tal pole ka raadiosaatjat, mis annaks asukohta tuvastada. Loodame päeva jooksul mingit teavet saada.
Pesal on emaslind ja kõik viis kurepoega. Eile õhtul oli kõige väiksem suuremate vahel peidus ehk ei olnud lihtsalt märgatav.

The male bird Jan left his nest in Jõgeva County the day before yesterday at half past five and has not returned yet.
Something must have happened to the male bird, and he doesn't have a radio transmitter to detect the location. We look forward to receiving any information during the day.
The nest has a female and all five stallions. Last night, the smallest was hiding among the major ones, perhaps not just noticeable.
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Re: Jan and Janika (Jõgeva County)

Post by marika.solo »

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Emaslind Janika võttis vastu raske otsuse - The female Janika made a difficult decision
Postitas Looduskalender - R, 03.06.2022 - 11.23

Raske on toimuvat veebikaamera vahendusel jälgida, aga toimuvat peame teadvustama.
Kurepojad on teist päeva toitmata: isaslind Jan pole pesale naasnud ja emaslind Janika peab pesal poegi katma ning ei saa vähem kui kahenädalasi kurepoegi pikemaks ajaks katmata jätta ka jaheda ilma tõttu.
Kell kolmveerand kümme võttis emaslind vastu karmi otsuse hukates viienda kõige pisema pesapoja…

It is difficult to monitor what is happening via a webcam, but we need to be aware of what is happening.
The progeny are not fed for another day: the male bird Jan has not returned to the nest and the female Janika has to cover the pups in the nest and cannot leave the progeny less than two weeks old for a long time due to the cold weather.
At three-quarters of ten, the female took a harsh decision to execute the fifth smallest nest…
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