Skierka's offspring

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Re: Skierka's offspring

Post by marika.solo »

FB answer in comments in this post ( ... 3qie9aBdNl)
... Stefan dawno się nie łączył. Ostatni raz na NE od Starej Zagory na pocz X

...STEFAN hasn't connected for a long time. The last time was NE of Stara Zagora at the beginning of October

W Bułgarii oczywiście

In Bulgaria, of course
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Re: Skierka's offspring

Post by marika.solo »

January 16
Hello everyone :-) ... PCUyQgQrvl

Bocian Grzegorz na zimowisku we Włoszech 🇮🇹
Nasze bociany czarne niezmiernie rzadko zimują na Południu Europy. Jak dotąd #PółwysepApeniński stał się azylem dla trzech polskich osobników. We wszystkich przypadkach były to ptaki, które z różnych względów dość późno rozpoczęły jesienną wędrówkę. Bocian Grzegorz, młody #Skierki z Bolewic, dodatkowo „rzucił się” przez otwarte #MorzeAdriatyckie. Przeanalizowaliśmy jego grudniowe noclegi i żerowiska 🐟 Okazuje się, że przebywa non stop w krajobrazie rolniczym we włoskiej prowincji #Caserta. Żeruje głównie na rowach i niewielkich kanałach (96%). Co zaskakujące nie tylko żeruje, lecz także śpi w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie zabudowań 🛖 i ogromnych foliowych inspektów, w których Włosi uprawiają warzywa i owoce. Podczas okresu wigilijnego aż trzy razy spał w małym miasteczku na drzewie w pobliżu #RestaurantePizzeriaLaCascina 🍽 Bardzo ciekawe, co takiego tam podają!? 😋

Bocian Grzegorz at a winter camp in Italy 🇮🇹

Our black storks rarely winter in southern Europe. So far the Italian/Apennine Peninsula has become a haven for three Polish individuals. In all cases, there were birds that, for various reasons, started their autumn migration quite late.
Stork GRZEGORZ, offspring of Skierka from Bolewice, additionally "threw himself" across the open Adriatic Sea. We have analysed his December night places and feeding placess 🐟 It turns out that stork stays non-stop in the agricultural landscape of the Italian province of Caserta. It eats mainly on ditches and small canals (96%). Surprisingly, Grzegorz not only eats but also sleeps in the immediate vicinity of buildings 🛖 and huge foil windows where Italians grow vegetables and fruits. During the Christmas Eve period stork slept three times in a small town on a tree near the "Ristorante Pizzeria La Cascina" 🍽 I wonder what they serve there!? 😋

Province of Caserta
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Re: Skierka's offspring

Post by marika.solo »

marika.solo wrote: 16 Jan 2024, 18:47 photo 6 ... 0321639650
btw. there is street view - see next post
photo 6

here you are:

photo logo: image capture Ristorante Pizzeria La Cascina Mar 2020

entrance: image capture Jul 2022

view Sep 2008 or the newest Jul 2022

view from south

view from the other site/north
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Re: Skierka's offspring

Post by marika.solo »

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Re: Skierka's offspring

Post by marika.solo »

:shock: GRZEGORZ shot (injured in VET hospital) :(

I was already informed a few days ago, but I was asked not to publish this information ... aPqjJ8T7Gl

Gruppo di Lavoro Italiano sulla Cicogna Nera - Glicine


L’Associazione Studi Ornitologici Italia Meridionale OdV – ASOIM – coordina per la Campania il monitoraggio della Cicogna nera nel’ambito del G.L.I.Ci.Ne. – Gruppo di Lavoro Italiano Cicogna Nera.
Il ferimento da parte di un bracconiere dell’individuo di Cicogna nera recuperato dalle Guardie WWF in provincia di Caserta, rappresenta un atto di estrema gravità e ci auguriamo che si possano individuare il responsabile e processarlo sulla base della normativa vigente.
La particolare gravità è dovuta a più fattori.
In primo luogo la specie Cicogna nera (Ciconia nigra) è una specie rara nel nostro paese dove si contano, al 2023, poco più di 30 coppie nidificanti accertate.
In Campania finora è stata accertata la nidificazione di una sola coppia, e si ritiene probabile la nidificazione di altre 2 coppie.
L’individuo ferito in provincia di Caserta rappresenta il primo caso di svernamento della specie per la Campania, un fenomeno recente che si sta registrando anche in altre regioni italiane e che necessita di ulteriori approfondimenti.
L’animale è dotato di anello di riconoscimento e di un trasmettitore GPS-GSM. L’ASOIM era già in contatto con il collega polacco che lo aveva marcato e che aveva segnalato la sua presenza nel casertano. Sappiamo pertanto che è nato lo scorso anno in Polonia, e che quindi è nel suo primo anno di età, e il percorso che ha fatto prima di giungere a svernare da noi. Il collega polacco gli aveva anche dato un nome: Grzegorz. Conosciamo anche la madre, una femmina di 7 anni di nome Skierka, che usa svernare in Grecia.
L’ASOIM auspica che si possa recuperare e restituire l’animale alla vita selvatica, ed è in contatto costante con l’ornitologo che l’ha marcata e che la segue.
Resta la rabbia e l’amarezza per il danno del gesto di un bracconiere che, in pochi secondi e con un colpo di fucile, ha interrotto una interessante e bella storia di ricerca e d vita di un animale selvatico affascinante e raro, quale è la Cicogna nera.

Maurizio Fraissinet
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Re: Skierka's offspring

Post by marika.solo »

BocianiMy ( ... tid=oMANbw)

This is very sad, because many Italian ornithologists take great care and protect black storks in the northern and central part of the country. About 50% of young Polish storks do not reach their wintering grounds for various reasons. Of the four young from the nest of the famous female Skierka in 2023 in western Poland, two are already dead, which unfortunately confirms the rule. Jola - died of hunger near the nest, Darek - crashed on a power line in Germany, STEFAN - went missing in Hungary (transmitter failure), Grzegorz (last hope) - shot on Italian soil... This should be talked about loudly and critically, because only educating society makes sense.
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Re: Skierka's offspring

Post by marika.solo »

FB BocianiMy ... DiFMtpz8ql

GT - corrections (and photos) only today evening

Bocian Grzegorz #SHOT in the #Campania region
A week ago, we received bad and sad news from southern Italy about the shooting of Grzegorz by a poacher 😡 We immediately cooperated with #WWF Italia and #Gruppo di Lavoro Italiano Cicogna Nera (G.L.I.Ci.Ne.) and headed to #Naples. Volunteers from WWF arrived in Grzegorz first and took him to #Veterinary Hospital Frullone. It turned out that the bird got a shot in the leg 😢 After a week it's in good condition, but it's still not ready to be released. Unfortunately, shooting birds is still practiced in some regions of Italy. This procedure is widely opposed by the #Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS), which has also been notified by us. On the other hand, the Legal Office of Nature Conservation WWF in Italy acted as a civil side in the process currently being led by the government agenda #Gruppo Carabinieri Forestale. Independently, this barbaric act was stamped in Italy's #laRepubblica. According to the ornithologists at G.L.I.Ci.Ne. this was the first (! ) the statement of the wintering of the black stork in this region of Italy, unfortunately ended so dramatically 🙁 We hope that Grzegorz will soon be freed and that he will be able to return to the north of Europe in the spring. Sincere THANKS to many people who helped and took care of the fate of the Polish stork: Alessandro, Alfonso, Anetta, Daniela, Elios, Franco, Maurizio, colonel. Marco, Pasqal, Pierfranceso, Patty, Tullia.
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Re: Skierka's offspring

Post by marika.solo »

Soccorsa dal Wwf una cicogna nera ferita da un cacciatore - A black stork injured by a hunter rescued by the WWF ... aba3bde38d#

(GT without corrections)
The young specimen had two rings of recognition that tell of his long journey from Poland to Casertano: transferred to the Cras of Naples - S.Mor. /CorriereTv

there is video

A black stock wound by firearm was recovered in the late afternoon of Tuesday, January 30, one day after the closing of the hunting season, in the province of Caserta. It is a specimen equipped with a GPS tracker on the back and two paw recognition rings bearing the indication of the country of ringing, Poland. Two locals were the first to spot the animal in difficulty and to alert the hunting and zoological swathing guards of the WWF, the provincial nucleus of Caserta, who arrived on the spot, recovered the animal in difficulty and transferred it to the Cras (Centro recupera rescue wild animals) of Naples to receive the necessary care. The diagnostic investigations have confirmed that the animal, impossible to confuse with huntable species, has been the victim of an act of poaching.

“It is disheartening to think that this beautiful animal, after having travelled thousands of kilometres and having chosen our territory to spend the winter, was welcomed by the lead of the doublets. Unfortunately, it is only yet another act of crime against a rare and protected species and is added to the hundreds of animals that in Italy are victims of the rifles of poachers during the hunting season. In this context, “Parliament seems to live in another dimension. In fact, although it is clear to all the close link between hunting and illegal killings due to the lack of deterrent sanctions, rather than increasing penalties, the parliamentary majority forces are working to reduce them further. In this way, those who continue to kill and traffic wild animals will know that they are not at risking virtually anything.” The Legal Protection Office of Nature of WWF Italy is working in close synergy with the Investigative Authorities to facilitate the identification of the person responsible and announces that it will be a civil party in the process. The hope is that the care will allow the animal to return, soon, to sail the skies.

Less known and widespread of its white “sister” species, the Ciconia nigra (scientific name) in ppartiene to the family of the Ciconids. Large bird and charming colors can reach a weight of 3 kilograms and a wingspan up to 2 meters. Characteristic are the beak and the long red legs, in contrast to the black plumage that is interrupted only on the white belly. In Central Europe it prefers mixed hardwoods, especially in the vicinity of small waterways where it finds food resources. Long-range migratory, you can see it sail our skies both in the spring in the pre-reproductive phase, and in autumn on the return journey from the breeding areas. In the last 15 years it has returned to nest in Italy. The first couples were surveyed in Piedmont, but over the years at least 20 have been ascertained with nesting also in central and southern Italy, between Lazio, Basilicata, Calabria and Puglia. Couples are monogamous and territorial. They occupy very large territories, up to 100 square kilometers and in the absence of disturbance, they return to reuse the same nesting site. Peculi of the stork is the sound emitted by the repeated opening and closing of the beak (bill-clattering), which has both a courtship and social communication function.
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