Skierka's offspring

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Re: Skierka's offspring

Post by Iwona »

continuation: Stefan in the Meadows and Ponds of #Eulo and #Jamno in Germany viewtopic.php?p=23165#p23165

BocianiMy: "Płytki ciek biegnący przez najbardziej ulubiony przez bociany czarne staw"
The shallow watercourse running through the black stork's most favorite pond
source: FB BocianiMy

BocianiMy: "Białe i siwe "koleżanki" Stefana"
White and gray "friends" of Stefan
source: FB BocianiMy
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Re: Skierka's offspring

Post by Madli »

Iwona, that's a very nicely written post :P
Thank you so much!

Good luck to Stefan, it seems that he is in a good company 8-)
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Re: Skierka's offspring

Post by Iwona »

Madli wrote: 14 Aug 2023, 21:32 Iwona, that's a very nicely written post :P
Thank you so much!

Good luck to Stefan, it seems that he is in a good company 8-)
Thx Madli!
Let's keep our fingers crossed for Stefan, so far so good 8-)
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Re: Skierka's offspring

Post by Iwona »

previous info viewtopic.php?p=23165#p23165

September 02

Hello everyone!

News about: GRZEGORZ, STEFAN and SKIERKA (documentation about Skierka in our forum:viewtopic.php?p=21747#p21747)

Source: youtube chat

5:30 PM Dariusz Anderwald
​Dzień dobry. Kilka info o naszych bocianach. Skierka w Serbii, Grzegorz w środkowej Polsce pod Raciążem, Stefan nadal we wschodnich Niemczech pod Cottbus. Trwa Wielkie Żerowanie przed Wędrówką :)

Good evening. Some info about our storks. Skierka in Serbia, Grzegorz in central Poland near Raciąż, Stefan still in eastern Germany near Cottbus. The Great Foraging before the Migration is underway :)

Further information:
Transmitter data since the previous information provided: viewtopic.php?p=23080#p23080
Previous location: POLAND, Płock
Current location: POLAND, Raciąż

Grzegorz still remains in the same region of Poland.
Approximate route of Grzegorz:
source: Google map

The Raciąż District is located on the Central Polish Lowlands and in the vicinity of the valley of the Vistula River and its tributaries. Almost the entire area of the District is inscribed between the ecological corridors accompanying the Wkra and Vistula rivers. The northern area, with the Raciążnica River valley, belongs to the Area of Protected Landscape. The Raciąż District is entirely included in the functional area "Green Lungs of Poland". The valley of the Raciążnica River, together with the Zadębie Stream, is an extensive valley 6 - 12 km wide, flat, overbuilt by dune formations with numerous terrain depressions and marshes (many species of forest, meadow and peatland). The area is distinguished by the richness of avifauna. 100 species of birds, among them 91 are breeding species. Prominent among them is the morphological-ecological group of wetland birds, represented by 20 species.

The Wkra River:
source: ... index.html
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Re: Skierka's offspring

Post by Iwona »

continuation: Stefan near Cottbus (Germany), Grzegorz near Raciąż (Poland) viewtopic.php?p=24135#p24135

Transmitter data since the previous information provided: viewtopic.php?p=23165#p23165
Previous location: GERMANY, the Meadows and Ponds of #Eulo and #Jamno near Forst (Lausitz)
Current location: GERMANY, Cottbus

Stefan still remains in the same region of Germany.
Approximate route of Stefan:
source: Google map

Spremberg Dam, located south of Cottbus, and its associated reservoir (Spremberger Stausee) impound the River Spree. Together with the surrounding countryside they make up the protected landscape also known as the Talsperre Spremberg. A reservoir on the river Spree gives home to plenty of waterfowl.

Image Image
source: ... -spremberg
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Re: Skierka's offspring

Post by Iwona »

previous info viewtopic.php?p=24135#p24135

September 17

Hello everyone :-)

News about: GRZEGORZ

Source: youtube Komitet Ochrony Orłów / Eagle Conservation Committee

"Większość bocianów czarnych już odleciała z naszego kraju i przebywa obecnie (17 września) na postojach podczas migracji na Węgrzech, w Rumunii, w Bułgarii czy Mołdawii. Takie postoje trwają od kilku dni do kilku tygodni i są bardzo ważne, ponieważ młode osobniki wzmacniają się kondycyjnie i uczą się dorosłych wyboru właściwych miejsc żerowiskowych. Najczęściej są to rowy, kanały i niewielkie strugi bądź płytkie stawy rybne. Dzięki naszym loggerom gps-gsm wiemy, że co najmniej dwa z naszych tegorocznych bocianów czarnych nie zdążyły dołączyć do żadnego stada i samotnie szukają pożywienia w środkowej Polsce. Jeden z nich to właśnie Turek (z Nadleśnictwa Turek), natomiast drugi to Grzegorz (z Nadleśnictwa Bolewice). Ten pierwszy od dwóch tygodni żeruje na rowach i mokrych łąkach nad rzeką Bzura w Obszarze Natura 2000. Ten drugi już prawie cztery tygodnie przebywa pod Raciążem, żerując na niewielkim przydomowym stawie i kilku ciekach. Okazuje się, że młode bociany czarne zwłaszcza podczas samotnej wędrówki mają duże zdolności przystosowawcze podczas migracji i potrafią korzystać z wielu różnych źródeł pokarmu. Stają się więc w znacznym stopniu oportunistami pokarmowymi. Przykładowo "Turek" żerował dziś na rowach (piskorze), mokrej łące (żaby, owady), polu (pędraki) i przy stogu siana (myszy?)."

Most of the black storks have already flown away from our country and are currently (September 17) on migration stops in Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova. Such stops last from several days to several weeks and are very important because young individuals strengthen their physical condition and teach adults how to choose appropriate feeding places. Most often, these are ditches, canals and small streams or shallow fish ponds. Thanks to our GPS-GSM loggers, we know that at least two of this year's black storks did not manage to join any flock and are looking for food alone in central Poland. One of them is Turek (from the Turek Forest District), and the other is Grzegorz (from the Bolewice Forest District). The former has been feeding in ditches and wet meadows on the Bzura River in the Natura 2000 Area for two weeks. The latter has been staying near Raciąż for almost four weeks, feeding on a small home pond and several watercourses. It turns out that young black storks, especially when wandering alone, have great adaptability during migration and can use many different food sources. Therefore, they become largely food opportunists. For example, today "Turek" was feeding in ditches (piscorts), a wet meadow (frogs, insects), a field (grubs) and near a haystack (mice?).

*in the video above the black stork from Turek

Further information:
Transmitter data since the previous information provided: viewtopic.php?p=24135#p24135
Previous location: POLAND, Raciąż
Current location: POLAND, Raciąż

Grzegorz is still foraging in the same area of Poland, he hasn't joined other black storks :(
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Re: Skierka's offspring

Post by marika.solo »

Iwona wrote: 17 Sep 2023, 19:04 News about: GRZEGORZ
Source: youtube Komitet Ochrony Orłów / Eagle Conservation Committee
first info on FB BocianiMy (17. September 2023) + another video (stork Turek) ... 502248598 + in comments the video posted above by Iwona

see questions and answers to this news/FB post here: viewtopic.php?f=55&t=19&p=24649#p24649
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Re: Skierka's offspring

Post by Iwona »

previous info viewtopic.php?p=24135#p24135

September 25

Hello everyone :)

News about: STEFAN and GRZEGORZ

Source: FB BocianiMy ... mMPpSKBJzl

"STEFAN zmienia kierunek!
To jednak niespodzianka! Byliśmy przekonani, że STEFAN - jedno z bolewickich czworaczków - poleci ✈️ na ZACHÓD, jednak stało się inaczej. Nasz ulubieniec 😍 w ciągu ostatnich 7 dni pokonał aż 1300 km na SW 👍 Jak wiemy na postoju na Stawach w #Eule / #Jamno nie był sam, więc prawdopodobnie dlatego zmienił swój genetyczny "program migracji" i poleciał z ptakami dorosłymi kilkoma zygzakami nad #JezioroKoprinka w Bułgarii 🙂 Najwyżej (wys. bezwzględna) latał i spał w Czechach. Najwyższy pik wysokości bezwzględnej ponad 2 km! osiągnął po kilku kominach ostatniego dnia po południu, po czym ślizgiem wylądował nad rzekę #Tundja. To nie koniec podróży, dlatego życzymy Stefanowi wysoookich kominów i dłuuugich ślizgów! 😉"

STEFAN is changing direction!
What a surprise! We were convinced that STEFAN - one of Bolewice's quadruplets - will fly ✈️ to the WEST, but it happened otherwise. Our favorite 😍 in the last 7 days flew as much as 1300 km to the SW 👍 As we know at the stopover at the Ponds in #Eule / #Jamno he was not alone, so that's probably why he changed his genetic "migration program" and flew with the adult birds several zigzags over #LakeKoprinka in Bulgaria 🙂 The highest (flight altitude) he flew and slept in the Czech Republic. He reached the highest altitude of more than 2 km! after a few air chimneys on the last day in the afternoon, and then glided to the #Tundja River. This is not the end of his journey, so we wish Stefan high air chimneys and long glides!

Further information:
Transmitter data since the previous information provided: viewtopic.php?p=24140#p24140
Previous location: GERMANY, Cottbus
Current location: BULGARIA, the Tundja River
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Re: Skierka's offspring

Post by Iwona »

continuation: Stefan in Bulgaria viewtopic.php?p=24815#p24815

The first stage of Stefan's migration, covering the route from Bledzew ponds in Poland to the Ponds of #Eulo and #Jamno in Germany, lasted 38 days. During this time Stefan flew 186 km.

source: FB BocianiMy

The second stage of Stefan's migration, covering the route from the Ponds of #Eulo and #Jamno in Germany to the Tundja River in Bulgaria, lasted 7 days. During this time Stefan flew 1288 km!

source: FB BocianiMy

BocianiMy: "Żółte zagęszczenie punktów oznaczają miejsca 6 noclegów po drodze"
Yellow dot density indicates the locations of 6 overnight stays along the way.
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Re: Skierka's offspring

Post by marika.solo »

GRZEGORZ in comments to info about STEFAN


Anna Demiańczuk
A czy wiadomo co z drugim z czwórki? Bo nie widziałam wiadomości o Grzegorzu, o ile dobrze pamiętam
Anna Demiańczuk Grzegorz wciąż stacjonuje pod Raciążem. Czekamy aż ruszy. Jest sam ... 🙁

And do we know what happens to the second of the four? Because I haven't seen any news about Grzegorz, if I remember correctly
Grzegorz is still stationed near Raciąż. We are waiting for it to start. He is alone... 🙁
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