July 26
FB Arne Torkler
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MEGA! In Lüder, my local patch near Uelzen, Lower-Saxony, Germany, there was a mixed brood with a female Black Stork and a male White Stork in 2023 - maybe the first known successful mixed brood in wilderness. The fledglings should be able to leave the nest by the end of July and are currently easy to observe. Photos (c) Arne Torkler / Joachim Neumann
MEGA: In Lüder, Landkreis Uelzen, gab es 2023 eine Mischbrut mit einem weiblichen Schwarzstorch und einem männlichen Weißstorch! Die Jungen dürften bis Ende Juli ausfliegen und lassen sich derzeit gut beobachten. Fotos (c) Arne Torkler / Joachim Neumann
in comments:
Joachim Mergeay
What’s so funky is how genetic reshuffling of two overlapping biochemical pathways for feather pigmentation yields crazy different results. Both parents have black primaries, yet 1/2 young has mottled grey all over its body, except for the neck and head. The other is black except for a mottled neck