Ogres County (Vidzeme)

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Re: Ogres County (Vidzeme)

Post by marika.solo »

he sings

stork moves some twigs

and male is resting
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Re: Ogres County (Vidzeme)

Post by Madli »

11 May

Our lonely male hd a female visitor today!

12.26 Male arrives, very excited.

12.27 Female is nearby and lands onthe nest tree!
Only the edge of the wing is visible on the edge of the image.

She lands on the big branch above the nest, out from the camera view

12.32 She is there!

The female didn't enter the nest completely.

12.36 Female flew away
Male followed a little time later.
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Re: Ogres County (Vidzeme)

Post by marika.solo »

female was there long minutes - in the upper right corner we can see her legs

she moved and slipped into the nest

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Re: Ogres County (Vidzeme)

Post by marika.solo »

male stand up and immediately started again his very excited singing, female stepped back from the nest to the parent-branch



both later preened their feathers


at 12.38.01 female flew away and male stands up and sings
she is flying around and he flew after her
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Re: Ogres County (Vidzeme)

Post by marika.solo »

male stayed again without female

to the nest jumped from above


he is ready for night resting
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Re: Ogres County (Vidzeme)

Post by marika.solo »

May 14
Hello everyone :-)

it seems female is moving again and again near the nest

stork arrived also this time very excited to the nest and is calling very loudly like every time



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Re: Ogres County (Vidzeme)

Post by marika.solo »

May 15
Hello everyone :-)

- the same scenario - most probably the female came to the nest tree (I dont see her in the camera view) at 09.31
- male is again very excited: sings loudly, moves twigs, settled down, and again and again
- she flew away and male flew out too at 09.49
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Re: Ogres County (Vidzeme)

Post by marika.solo »

May 26
Hello everyone :-)

female (?) black stork is very near the nest again; bird is ringed - OXUJ
info by Dr. Maris Strazds in Latvian Forum: Unfortunately, I can't be sure confirm it would be a girl. According to measurements during ringing, it was boy - but it's not 100%, there are about 10-15% errors for gender determined in this way. DNA testing has not yet been done. The bird was the youngest of three chicks in a nest near Pabažie (67.15 km from this nest). The bird is ringed 2021 at about 44 days old on July 4, the bird's age today is 734 days (calendar year 3), it is DEFINITELY a juvenile ("teenager") bird, which "gets to know the living space". (https://forums.dabasdati.lv/viewtopic.p ... 51#p369351)

video of this visit by Vērotāja - thank you!
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Re: Ogres County (Vidzeme)

Post by marika.solo »

May 27

visitor to me
15.39 - stork jumped in from above (silent), stork moved some nest material (the feet has very dirty), ​15.49 - stork's feather dropped, 17.48 - stork flew away

( I forgot noticed that here yesterday)
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Re: Ogres County (Vidzeme)

Post by marika.solo »

May 29
Hello everyone :-)

stork is on the nest: 11.35 - 12.06


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