BS from the nest of ŁODZ

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BS from the nest of ŁODZ

Post by marika.solo »

in this thread we follow storklets with transmitter hatched in the nest of ŁODZ, resp. in the are of forest district ŁODZ (also from previous seasons)

new storklets (hatched 2022) from the streamed nest are female FAGO and male FIGO
new storklets (hached 2022) in the are of forest district ŁODZ with transmitter: 12 chicks have been equipped

the news aren't on daily basis
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Re: BS from the nest of ŁODZ

Post by marika.solo »

August 10

storklets 2022 left the nest:
- Fago (female storklet): 08.8.2022 ( XY days old)
- Figo (male storklet): 09.08.2022 (XY days old)

both storklets last time together on the nest


FIGO (male)
- Figo flew out today at 5:39 - and did not look back at 15:04 he flew over the Vistula, at 18:00 the contact broke off, but he was still flying. At 18:00 he was between Tarnów and Rzeszów
- video by Pimu, thank you :-)

FAGO (female)
- Yesterday Fago flew out at 15:38 for Figo and Florentino; she flew 12 km SE and wandered around a bit and spent the night in the forest 9 km from the nest. Today she did not fly away far, she was in the area of the previous accommodation and stayed in that area, i.e. 9 km from the nest.
- video by Pimu, thank you :-)

The OTHER TRANSMITTERs did not send any new data

Aug. 10
FIGO (male) - in Ukraine
FAGO (female) - near Przedbórz, Poland
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Re: BS from the nest of ŁODZ

Post by marika.solo »

August 11

posted by Justyna (in the "nest" thread) - thanx! :)

FB news ... =3&theater

📣 Small and big trips

👉FIGO blew out of the nest ⏰ on August 9 at 5:39 am. He flew immediately to the south-east 🦅 At 15:04 he flew over the Vistula River. He spent the night in a small forest near Dębica, between Tarnów and Rzeszów. He crossed the border between Poland and Ukraine on August 10, south of Przemyśl. He found a forest 30 km from Lviv to spend the night. From the exit from the nest, it flew 390 km❗️ in a straight line

👉FAGO, on the other hand, flew out of the nest ⏰ on August 8 at 3:38 pm right after being fed 🦈 by Florentino. She flew a dozen or so kilometers from the nest, but flew in the direction of the A1 motorway for the night. On August 9, she flew around the place where she stayed. On August 10, she made a long trip to Pilica near Przedbórz (50 km), ⛺️ flew to a large forest south of Bełchatów for the night.

Figo has already started his journey to ☀️ Africa, but Fago has not decided on it yet 😎 He does not have to rush! It is still relatively early in the migration season for black storks

✍️ prof. Piotr Zieliński Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Łódź 🌲 State Forests

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Re: BS from the nest of ŁODZ

Post by marika.solo »

Piotr Zieliński

corrections morning - done


Fago generally flies around the nest at a distance of 1.5 to 12.5 km. If she spots the (our) nest, it might land. But I don't know why she didn't show up today. Today she was 1.5 km from the nest. (Marika: Yesterday Fago was already in Przedbórz - she's back.)

Figo Figo, on the other hand, 90 km outside Lviv found fish ponds and it is possible that he will stay like that for a longer time (NE from Lviv, also the direction does not match the direction of the trip to Africa, therefore I think it will stop there); Unless he sees that, for example, they are shooting herons or cormorants there, he will leave.
Figo will not be allowed across the border. The border will not be open to them until spring.
But Fago can take stop for a short while. We had such a visit after a few days.

- stork from Piotrków forest district (hatched 2020) is still in Moldova
- stork from Spała forest district (hatched 2020) sent data from the Danube in Bulgaria
- stork from Kutno forest district (hatched 2021) sent last data on 21.07, the oxbow lake of the Odra river near Krosno Odrzańskie/the old river bed of the Odra (PL)

! maybe not every day, but every few days there will be information on FB
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Re: BS from the nest of ŁODZ

Post by marika.solo »

August 12
Hello everyone :-)

Piotr Zieliński
(corrections morning)

FIGO had to fly deeper into Ukraine and there may be deliberate interference to the gps signal - we can't help it.
That is, there is no new news from Figo, but that doesn't mean anything disturbing.

Today only about FAGO:
Fago has already started her journey. She is near Opoczno. (Marika: Opoczno is a town in south-central Poland, in eastern part of Łódź Voivodeship, PL).
But before she took off to the southeast, she flew around the area. In the morning we did not see her in the nest, but she almost certainly saw the nest. It was empty, so she didn't look At 9:27 she flew 370 m past the nest. In any case, Fago has already started her journey and will not come back to us.
(There could be a similar story with Florentino/male - he saw an empty nest from above and if he had no food, he did not look.)

Silka: Piotr, what is it like with the ability to catch fish in our young? They have never seen it, which is instinctively?
Piotr Zieliński: @Silka The young learn catching techniques in the field by observing other storks and when they walk in the forest and the frog comes under the bill, they know very well what to do, they have practiced it on the nest many times
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Re: BS from the nest of ŁODZ

Post by Madli »

August 14

FAGO returned to the nest!
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Re: BS from the nest of ŁODZ

Post by marika.solo »

Madli wrote: 14 Aug 2022, 13:13
Hi Madli, thx.

So also on this nest surprise (like in Bolewicze).
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Re: BS from the nest of ŁODZ

Post by Justyna »

Piotr Zieliński 21:02

- 12:33 Fago lands on the nest. 13:25 Fago flies away, meanwhile he drops the spit.
- Fago flew out of the nest on August 8, but without conviction. She took longer trips around the area and only on August 12 she flew SE, that is, in the direction of the autumn trek, to Końskie. But before it reached Końskie, it turned north towards Opoczno and spent the night there.
- Yesterday she came back and spent the night near Bełchatów.
- Today she made a big loop, looked at the nest for 1 hour and stayed overnight near Bełchatów.
In my opinion, on August 12, she could join a group of storks, but she lost them during the night and so she wanders around so far. The positive thing is that she threw off the pellet, that is, she was eating something. but it would be better if it moved somewhere, for example, to the Sulejowski Reservoir, where there are other black storks, and it should stick to others. Arriving at the nest will not give her anything, and unnecessarily flies large sections, while ...

- rested 2 days and flies further south
- tomorrow it will probably cross the border with Romania or Moldova, his direction is marked by the border river Prut - so the border between Romania / Moldova will be crossed 100 times, because Prut meanders

It's nice that Fago has visited us, but better let him find some food-rich pool and let him gather strength for the journey there. When Figo stops for longer, I will write a post with his route.
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Re: BS from the nest of ŁODZ

Post by Justyna »

August 17

FB Regionalna Dyrekcja Lasów Państwowych w Łodzi ... peM5zBUCul

🎬 Stork news
👉FIGO flew out of the nest on August 9 and immediately flew south-east. The route of its flight shows that it will reach the Turkish straits (Bosphorus, Marmara Sea and Dardanelles) bypassing the Carpathians from the east. It is a wide migration route between the Carpathians and the Prut River. The terrain is lowland, easy for storks to cross, typically agricultural, with a rich network of irrigation channels. Our Figo, after three days of flight, took a two-day break in the vicinity of Lviv, feeding on irrigation canals. After resting, it flies straight south for the third day. Usually, this variant of the route ends with a longer pasture near the mouth of the Seret or Prut rivers to the Danube. Figo takes his time. In 8 days he traveled 9️⃣4️⃣5️⃣ km❗️

On the other hand, 👉FAGO flew out of the nest on August 8 and for a few days after it moved around a large area from Bełchatów to Opoczno in the province of Łódzkie. On August 14, she even looked at the nest, but the nest was empty.

🖤Florentino was on the nest for the last time on August 8, and Fermina on August 9.

On August 15, Fago finally set off for a decisive straight south and covered 1️⃣6️⃣5️⃣ km on the first day. It flew across the Vistula and stopped between Kraków and Wadowice. However, this variant of the route leads to a collision with the Tatra Mountains. Soon we will find out how Fago will find a way to cross the Carpathians. 😅

✍️ prof. Piotr Zieliński, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz
National forests
Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Łódź


EDIT by Marika:
in comments
Regionalna Dyrekcja Lasów Państwowych w Łodzi
Aktualizacja 18.08.: Fago 16.08 przeleciała Słowację praktycznie bez zatrzymywania, nocowała już na Węgrzech. Wczoraj skończyła nad Cisą w Parku Krajobrazowym Tokaj. Figo w Rumunii przesunął się 200 km. Zatrzymał się na polach nad Dunajem k. m. Harsova.
Dzieli je prawie 700 km.😅

Update 18.08: Fago on 16.08 flew through Slovakia without stopping, she has already spent the night in Hungary. Yesterday she finished by the Tisza in the Tokaj Landscape Park. Figo in Romania has moved 200 km. He stopped in the fields on the Danube near Harsov.
They are separated by almost 700 km
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Re: BS from the nest of ŁODZ

Post by Madli »

August 18

FB Bociany Czarne Online - transmisja RDLP w Łodzi ... 9502999297

News thanks to Maciek Siembor:

On August 16, Fago flew through Slovakia without stopping, she had already spent the night in Hungary. Yesterday (Madli: 17.08) she finished by the Tisza in the Tokaj Landscape Park.

Total route starting from Poland, over Slovakia to Hungary.

I made a few edits to this image. I added the text in english. Fago's night 16/17 august spent already in Hungary.

17.08 Tokaj-Bodrogzug Landscape Protection Area in the Tisza valley.

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