NURME, adult male from west central EE

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NURME, adult male from west central EE

Post by marika.solo »

in this thread we follow Nurme, adult male black stork from west-central Estonia (second season)

NURME, adult male from west central EE ... =0&speed=1

birdmap info:
Adult Black Stork whos territory is situated in west-central Estonia. He used artificial nest, refreshed it in spring (2021).

Nurme is from Rapla county. Nurme probably didn't find a mate either.
Timmu and Nurme started migration on the same day and found each other and flew together for a day.
(info shared by our Madli - thank you :D)


0/ migration started on XX. 08 (? - the toolbar is not very reliable)
edit: 29.07 Nurme came from north and Timmu was already soaring between Kilingi-Nõmme and Jäärja. They started flying together at 13.05. The next day, 30.07 their paths separated about at 17.10 in southern Belarus. Nurme went forward, Timmu stayed at familiar fish ponds. (thx Madli :-) )
- first birdmap update: 14.08.2022, Distance: 1512 km (Huta)

1/ stop-over site:
- from 14.08 (maybe already 2 day before) viewtopic.php?p=8435#p8435 to 01.10 viewtopic.php?p=10172#p10172 (approx. 50 days) - UKRAINE: ponds in Vinnytsia Raion (former Nemyriv) of Vinnytsia Oblast

2/ 30.09 migration continued
- 30.09 Ukraine, 01.10 Ukraine, 02.10 (same place), 03.10 Moldova, 04.10 Romania (border), 05.10 TURKEY (on the Balkan Peninsula in Southeast Europe)

3/ 06.10 crossing the Sea of Marmara (above the open water) viewtopic.php?p=10302#p10302
- TURKEY (on the Anatolian Peninsula in Western Asia 07., 08.+ 09., 10.10)

4/11.10 crossing the Gulf of Iskenderun (fake flight to Ankara Airport) viewtopic.php?p=10476#p10476
(Syria 11.10, Jordan/Jordan Valley 12.10, Egypt/South Sinay Governorate 13.10)

5/ 14.10 crossing the Gulf of Suez viewtopic.php?p=10531#p10531

6/ Nurme crossed the Nile river and continued to the SW

the latest localisation is in Sudan (north from El Obeid) on 19.10 viewtopic.php?p=10627#p10627

2021 (birdmap info): Wintering site in southern Sudan reached by mid October and second half of wintering in Ehtiopian highlands.

Autumn migration 2021
0/ migration started 02.08 (birdmap info)
- first birdmap update 29.08.20218, Distance: 952 km (Stolin)
1/ stop-over site: Ukraine,
- from 08.08 (birdmap info) to ... , approx. XY days
2/ 25.09 migration continued
- 25.09 Moldova, 26.09 Bulgaria, 27.09 Turkey
3/ 28.09. crossing the Sea of Marmara (via Istanbul)
5/ 29.09 crossing the Gulf of Iskenderun (fake data first - to Ankara)
- 01.10 Syria, 03.10 Israel/south edge the Sea of Galilea
6/ 05.10 crossing the Gulf of Suez
- 05.10 west from Safaga, 06.10 Aswan Dam
7/ no data to spring
- from 06.10.2021 to 28.03.2022 - XY days
- wintering area Sudan (12.10 - 21.12) + Ethiopia (XY)
8/ 23.03.2022 spring migration started
- departure/arrival to Estonia on 17.04.2022, after XY days)

Nurme's autumn migration is documented in our forum:
- to 31.12.2021 (with other BS from Estonia) viewtopic.php?f=51&t=2
- from 01.01.2022 (own thread) viewtopic.php?f=51&t=63


Nurme visiting the fish basket on 29.06.2022
again big thanx to our Madli :D

"The trail camera images showed that a ringed female from LITHUANIA visited Nurme's nest last season.
Female's birth place was 289 km away, in N-Lithuania." ... "This is the first LT stork recorded in Estonia!"
again big thanx to our Madli and to Raivo!
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Re: Nurme, adult male from west central EE

Post by marika.solo »

August 15
Hello everyone :-)

- Nurme is already on his way to the south

Last data: 14.08.2022, Distance: 1512 km
Huta (Гута), Vinnytsia Oblast, UKRAINE

Nurme is moving between pond near the village (pond is to the north) and his night resting place in the nearby forest.

Madli, please, help. Thank you in advance :-) (I am travelling tomorrow on vacation.)
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Re: Nurme, adult male from west central EE

Post by Madli »

Nurme's route so far.

Nurme stays in near Huta, in a forested area and activly visits the pond and fields near the village.

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Re: Nurme, adult male from west central EE

Post by Madli »

When we compare Nurme's 2021 route, we see clearly that Nurme has reached his first stopover place.

2021-brown, 2022- grey

We also see that Nurme has already visited some familiar places for him.
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Re: Nurme, adult male from west central EE

Post by marika.solo »



photo of his area near Huty
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Re: NURME, adult male from west central EE

Post by Madli »

August 17

New birdmap update for NURME

Previous data: viewtopic.php?p=8435#p8435 and next
14.08.2022, Distance: 1512 km
Huta (Гута), Vinnytsia Oblast, UKRAINE

NEW data:
17.08.2022. Distance 1534 km (+22 km/ 3 days)
Same area near Huta, Vinnytsia Oblast, UKRAINE

Previous post from Marika:

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Re: NURME, adult male from west central EE

Post by marika.solo »

August 18
Hello everyone :-)

New birdmap update for NURME

Previous data: viewtopic.php?p=8435#p8435 and next
17.08.2022. Distance 1534 km (+22 km/ 3 days)
Huta (Гута), Vinnytsia Oblast, UKRAINE (same area)

NEW data:
19.08.2022 Distance: 1591 km (57km/2 days)
in the same area

Nurme flew to the west - to the Velyka Bushynka/Велика Бушинка and back to the previous area
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Re: NURME, adult male from west central EE

Post by Madli »

The area between Velyka Bushynka/Велика Бушинка and Sholud'ky/Шолудьки where Nurme visited.


Bushynka river
April 2018. Author: Rage against themachine
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Re: NURME, adult male from west central EE

Post by Madli »

August 20

New birdmap update for NURME ... =0&speed=1

Previous data: viewtopic.php?p=8649#p8649 and next
19.08.2022 Distance: 1591 km.
Nurme flew to the west - to the Velyka Bushynka/Велика Бушинка and back to the previous area near Huta (Гута), Vinnytsia Oblast, UKRAINE.

NEW data:
20.08.22. Distance 1595 km (+4 km)
Same area near Huta (Гута), Vinnytsia Oblast, UKRAINE.

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Re: NURME, adult male from west central EE

Post by marika.solo »




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