Jan and Janika (Jõgeva County)

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Re: Jan and Janika (Jõgeva County)

Post by marika.solo »

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VIDEO: õhtupooliku abioperatsioon - VIDEO: Afternoon relief operation
Postitas Looduskalender - R, 03.06.2022 - 22.04

(under photo)
Kell 18.15 tõi emaslind Janika pesale hulga sammalt (At 6.15 pm the female bird brought a lot of moss to Janika's nest)

Kell 18.15 tõi emaslind Janika pesale hulga sammalt (At 6.15 pm the female bird brought a lot of moss to Janika's nest)
Isaslind Jan ei ole pesale jõudnud ja tema saatusest pole midagi teada.
Urmas Sellis Kotkaklubist tekitas ojale, kus must-toonekure paar on käinud toitu hankimas sumba kaladega ja selle lähedusse ka „kure kuju“ millist näete ka söötmise videos.
Üle kahe ööpäeva pole emaslinnul olnud võimalust nelja kurepoega toita (toidupuudus tähendab kurepoegadele ka veepuudust organismis). Seega võeti vastu otsus kurepoegi püütud kaladega toita.
Kurepoegade toitmine võeti ette kell pool seitse ja nagu vaatajad otsustada võivad toimus kõik laitmatult. Pojad on alles kaheteist päevased ja tühi kõht on kõige parem kokk. Kõht kõvasti täis, jäi pesakond rahulikult puhkama.
Uurisin Urmaselt, kus oli sel ajal emaslind? Võib arvata, et Janika märkas inimeste tegutsemist pesa juures. Kell on kümme õhtul, kurepojad häälitsevad, aga emaslind pole pesale naasnud….

The male bird Jan has not reached the nest and nothing is known about his fate.
Urmas Sellis from Kotkaklub created a stream where a pair of black storks have been getting food with summa fish and a “stork shape” near it, which you can also see in the feeding video.
For more than two days, the female bird has not had the opportunity to feed the four young pups (lack of food also means lack of water in the body for the young pups). Thus, a decision was made to feed the crested young fish.
The feeding of the elves was taken at half past seven and, as the viewers may decide, everything went flawlessly. The sons are only twelve days old and the best cook is on an empty stomach. The stomach was very full, the litter rested calmly.
I asked Urmas where the female was at that time? It is possible that Janika noticed people acting at the nest. It is ten o'clock in the evening, the stallions are ringing, but the female has not returned to the nest….
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Re: Jan and Janika (Jõgeva County)

Post by marika.solo »

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Kuidas möödus kurepoegade öö? - How was the night of the storks?
Postitas Looduskalender - L, 04.06.2022 - 09.09

(under photo)
Öö ilma emaslinnuta pesal (A night without a female in a nest)

Kurepojad veetsid öö ilma emaslinnuta ja hommikul kell üheksa arvasid pesal olijad, et aeg on eile toodud ülejäänud kaladest hommikusööki võtta.
Täna peab Urmas edasist tegevust silmas pidades vastu võtma otsused, aga emaslind Janika võib parimal juhul kuni keskpäevani pesale naasta.
Eile mainisime ka eluskaladega sumpa, mis asub must-toonekurgede toitumisojal olles pesast umbes kilomeetri kaugusel.
Öö pesal ilma emaslinnu katmata. Hea, et ei hakanud vihma sadama ja õhutemperatuur alla üheteist kraadi ei langenud.
Millised olid veel ohud? Läheduses pesitseb händkakk ja elutseb kindlasti puudel ronimisvõimelisi väikekiskjaid. Pesapoegi käisid uudistamas rasvatihane ja pöialpoiss.

The gulls spent the night without a female bird, and at nine o'clock in the morning, those in the nest thought it was time to take breakfast from the rest of the fish yesterday.
Today Urmas has to make decisions with regard to further activities, but the female Janika can return to the nest by noon at best.
Yesterday we also mentioned a cage with live fish, which is located about a kilometer from the nest in the feeding area of black storks.
Night in the nest without covering the female bird. It is good that it did not start to rain and the air temperature did not fall below eleven degrees.
What other dangers were there? The woodpecker nests nearby and is certainly home to small predators capable of climbing trees. The fat boar and the dwarf visited the nests.
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Re: Jan and Janika (Jõgeva County)

Post by marika.solo »

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Kell 10 saabus Janika pesale - At 10 o'clock Janika arrived at the nest
Postitas Looduskalender - L, 04.06.2022 - 10.10

(under photo)
Emaslind Janika saabub pesale (The female Janika arrives at the nest)

Emaslind saabus pesale ja toitis kurepoegi (aktiivselt toitujaid oli kolm), kuid see ei muuda olukorda must-toonekure pesal kergemaks, sest üksikvanemana poegade üles kasvatamine nurjub.
Urmas Sellisel ja Madis Leivitsal Maaülikoolist oli kavandatud tänaseks plaan B, mis tuleb vastavalt toimuvale ümber mõtestada.

The female arrived at the nest and fed the pups (there were three active feeders), but this does not make the situation in the nest of the black stork easier, because the rearing of the pups as a single parent fails.
Today, Urmas Sellis and Madis Leivitsa from the University of Life Sciences had planned Plan B, which must be rethought according to what is happening.
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Re: Jan and Janika (Jõgeva County)

Post by marika.solo »

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Selline näeb välja söödasump - This is what a feed batch looks like
Postitas Looduskalender - L, 04.06.2022 - 14.24

Rajakaamera ülesvõte (Track camera image)

PHOTO https://www.looduskalender.ee/n/sites/d ... dasump.jpg

Andsime eile teada, et umbes kilomeetri kaugusele Jõgevamaa must-toonekurgede pesast olevale ojale sai paigaldatud sump eluskaladega, must-toonekure kuju (mis peab linnule märku andma, et läheduses puudub oht) ja rajakaamera, et registreerida võimalik emaslind Janika sumba külastus.
Anname õhtul ülevaate täna pesal toimunust.

We announced yesterday that a stream with live fish, the shape of a black stork (which must signal to the bird that there is no danger nearby) and a track camera to record a possible visit to the female Janika Summa were installed on the stream about a kilometer from the black stork nest in Jõgeva County.
We will give an overview of what happened in the nest tonight.
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Re: Jan and Janika (Jõgeva County)

Post by marika.solo »

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Jõgevamaa pesa õhtune ülevaade - Evening overview of Jõgeva County Nest
Postitas Looduskalender - L, 04.06.2022 - 21.48

(under photo)
Emaslind Janika pesalt lahkudes hakkas lühiajaliselt vihma sadama lisaks kostub lähedusest müristamist (When the female left Janika's nest, it started to rain in the port for a short time.)

Kui emaslind hommikul kell kümme pesale saabus, oli esimeseks asjaks kurepoegade toitmine. Eile toodud suuremad kalad, millest kurepojad jagu ei saanud, neelas emaslind seedimiseks alla ja leidis kalu veel pesapõhja koristamise aegu. Pesapõhi vajab korralikult õhutamist, et niiskust vähem oleks, sest hommikul oli näha, et väiksema ja noorema rinnasuled olid märjad ja määrdunud.
Pojad said emaslinnu all päeval piisavalt puhata ja endid üles soojendada, lisaks ülejääkidest veidi emaslinnult süüa.
Kell seitse õhtul lahkus emalind pesalt ja peame lootma, et ta naaseb piisava toidukogusega. Vihma hakkas lühiajaliselt sadama mõnikümmend minutit peale emaslinnu lahkumist ja kurepoegade sulestik sai märjaks.
Äikese lähenemist kuulsime alates poole kaheksast, aga kõue kõmisemine lõppes tunni möödudes ja pesal oli ainult kerget vihma.
Janika saabus pesale mõni minut peale kella poolt kümmet, pööras pesas ümber märjaks saanud sambla ja kattis pojad. Loota jääb, et tuleb rahulik öö.

When the female arrived at the nest at ten o'clock in the morning, the first thing was to feed the herons. The larger fish brought in yesterday, which could not be defeated by the egrets, swallowed the female for digestion and found the fish still in the nesting season. The bottom of the nest needs to be properly ventilated so that there is less moisture, because in the morning it was seen that the breasts of the younger and younger were wet and dirty.
The sons were able to rest and warm themselves during the day under the females, in addition to eating some of the leftovers from the females.
At seven o'clock in the evening the mother bird left the nest and we have to hope that she will return with enough food. It started to rain for a short time a few minutes after the female bird left, and the plumage of the goslings got wet.
We heard the approach of thunder from half past eight, but the thundering stopped after an hour and there was only light rain in the nest.
Janika arrived at the nest a few minutes after ten o'clock, turned the wet moss around the nest and covered the boys. It is hoped that a peaceful night will come.
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Re: Jan and Janika (Jõgeva County)

Post by marika.solo »

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VIDEOD: ülevaade Jõgevamaa must-toonekurge pesas toimunust - VIDEOS: an overview of what happened in the nest of the black stork in Jõgeva County
Postitas Looduskalender - P, 05.06.2022 - 09.41

(under video)
Hilisõhtune toitmine ja emaslinnu pesalt lahkumine (Late feeding and leaving the bird's nest)

Peame alustama eilsest õhtust. Kui emaslind Janika pesale saabus peale vihma kella poole kümne paiku oli esimene asi märg sammal poegade ümbert kuivama tõsta ja asuda märgade sulgedega kurepoegi soojendama ja kuivatama ehk katma. Janika tõusis pesalt esimest korda veidi enne kella ühtteist oli näha, et selle ajaga olid kurepoegade sulestik suuresti kuivanud ja asus poegi toitma. Toitu oli vähe ja sedagi said vaid kaks tugevamat. Pisem kurepoegadest oli hoolimata tuttavale toidumangumise häälitsuste täiesti apaatne ja seda näeme ka videost. Mõne minuti möödudes lahkus emaslind pesalt ja pojad jäid üksi pesale. Õhusooja oli ainult kümme soojakraadi hea seegi, et ei olnud sademeid.

(under photo)
Janika saabus pesale kell pool üheksa (Janika arrived at the nest at half past nine)

…kuid korrastab pesa, aga mida pole pakkuda on toit kurepoegadele…

(under video)
Lisaks pisemale on nõrgaks jäänud järgmine kurepoeg (In addition to the smaller one, the next stork has become weak)

We have to start last night. When the female bird arrived at Janika's nest after about ten o'clock after the rain, the first thing was to raise the wet moss around the pups and start to warm and dry the pups with wet feathers. Janika got up from the nest for the first time shortly before eleven o'clock, it could be seen that by that time the plumage of the goslings had dried up and she was feeding the boys. There was little food and only two of them got stronger. Despite the acquaintance, the younger ones were completely apathetic, and we can see this in the video. After a few minutes, the female left the nest and the pups were left alone. The air warmer was only ten degrees warm even with no rainfall.

… But arranges the nest, but what is not to offer is food for the stork…
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Re: Jan and Janika (Jõgeva County)

Post by marika.solo »

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VIDEO: Kurepojad viidi Maaülikooli inkubaatorisse - VIDEO: The prodigy were taken to the incubator of the University of Life Sciences
Postitas Looduskalender - P, 05.06.2022 - 13.00

Pesapojad viidi Maaülikooli inkubaatorisse taastuma.
Lootus oli, et emaslind Janika leiab lähedalolevast ojast sumba eluskaladega, mille Urmas Sellis paigutas, et Janika saaks poegi pesal toita.
Selline näeb välja söödasump: LINK (https://www.looduskalender.ee/n/node/6733)
Kolm kahenädalaseks saanud kurepoega lähevad veterinaari Madis Leivitas hoole alla umbes kümnekonnaks päevaks ja kui tahta, et noorlinnud kasvaksid ülesse mitte inimestega harjudes tuleb neile ehitada metsa võrguga piiratud kunstpesa, kus noorlinde saab märkamatult toita. Kurepojad lennuvõimestuvad meil juuli keskpaiku ja ränne algab umbes kuu aja pärast.
Nuputamist jagub, aga hoiame Teid toimuvaga kursis. Veebikaamera jääb tööle ja saame näha, millal emaslind pesale naaseb sest eile õhtune ja tänane vanalinnu käitumine viitas pigem olukorraga leppimisele.

The nests were taken to the University of Life Sciences incubator to recover.
The hope was that the female Janika would find a snail with live fish in the nearby stream, which Urmas Sellis placed so that Janika could feed her pups in the nest.
This is what the feed sump looks like: LINK (https://www.looduskalender.ee/n/node/6733)
The three pups, who have turned two weeks old, will be taken care of by veterinarian Madis Leivitas for about a dozen days, and if they want young birds to grow up not accustomed to humans, they must build an artificial nest with a forest net where young birds can be fed unnoticed. The weed boys will be able to fly in mid-July, and the migration will begin in about a month.
There are some puzzles, but we will keep you informed. The webcam stays on and we can see when the female returns to the nest, because last night's and today's old bird's behavior was more about reconciling the situation.
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Re: Jan and Janika (Jõgeva County)

Post by marika.solo »

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I will try to edit all the translations (maybe Madli will help), but sometime during the summer only

LK foorumi väärt algatus - A worthy initiative for the LK forum
Postitas Looduskalender - T, 07.06.2022 - 12.12

(under photo)
Urmas Sellis korraldas kurepoegade viimise Maaülikooli loomakliinikusse (Urmas Sellis arranged to take the pups to the animal clinic of the University of Life Sciences)

Vaatajad teavad, et Jõgevamaa must-toonekure pesale 1. juunil isaslind Jan enam ei saabunud. Kõige tõenäolise, et isaslind on hukkunud. Emaslind Janika ei suuda kurepoegi üksinda toita ja öösiti katta sest veidi alla kahenädalastel lindudel ei ole välja arenenud termoregulatsioon. Seega võttis Kotkaklubi vastu otsuse viia Maaülkooli loomakliinikusse Madis Leivitsa hoole alla umbes kümneks päevaks.
Seejärel plaanitakse noorlinnud paigutada metsas tehispesale, kus neid saab toita, kuid mitte inimestega harjutada. Milliseks selline haruldane katse kujuneb anname teile teada ja tehnilise võimaluse korral saame ka veebkaamera ülekande.
LK foorum avas eile kontolehe ettevõtmise toetuseks – tänud. Kena oleks, kui looduskalendri vaatajad leiaksid samuti võimaluse toetuseks. Eile peallõunal avatud kontole on täna keskpäevaks laekunud juba 540.00 eurot.
Toetuskeskond on turvaline, mille leiate aadressil: https://www.leetchi.com/c/kotkaklubi

Viewers know that the male bird Jan no longer arrived at the nest of the black stork in Jõgeva County. Most likely, the male is killed. The female Janika is unable to feed the storklets alone and cover them at night because the birds under a few weeks old have not developed thermoregulation. Thus, the Eagle Club decided to take Madis Leivits to the Animal Clinic of the University of Life Sciences for about ten days.
It is then planned to place the young birds in an artificial nest in the forest, where they can be fed but not trained with humans. We will let you know what such a rare experiment will look like and, if technically possible, we will also receive a webcam transfer.
LK forum opened an account page yesterday to support the business - thanks. It would be nice if viewers of the nature calendar could also find an opportunity to support it. The account opened yesterday afternoon has already received 540.00 euros by noon today.
The support environment is secure and can be found at: https://www.leetchi.com/c/kotkaklubi
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Re: Jan and Janika (Jõgeva County)

Post by marika.solo »

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Kuidas Dr Leivits kurepoegi toidab - How Dr. Leivits feeds stingrays (Marika: black stork chicks)
Postitas Looduskalender - R, 10.06.2022 - 20.20


Möödunud pühapäeval viidi Janika kolm alles jäänud must-toonekure poega Maaülikooli loomaravilasse Madis Leivitsa hoole alla.
Täna on inkubaatoris viies päev ja kosunud on ka kolmas kurepoeg, kes oli kõige nõrgem.
Urmas Sellise plaan on kurepojad nii ülesse kasvatada, et nad inimesega ei harjuks ja nad oleks võimalik ka sügisrändele saata. Keeruline, aga kui ei proovi, siis ei tea.
LK foorum avas esmaspäevad kontolehe ettevõtmise toetuseks. Kena oleks, kui looduskalendri vaatajad leiaksid samuti võimaluse toetuseks. Kontole on täna keskpäevaks laekunud 1392.00 eurot.

Last Sunday, Janika's three remaining offspring of a black stork were taken to the University of Life Sciences' animal hospital under the care of Madis Leivits.
Today is the fifth day in the incubator and the third stork, who was the weakest, has recovered.
Urmas Such a plan is to raise the pups so that they would not get used to the person and it would be possible to send them for autumn migration as well. Difficult, but if you don't try, you won't know.
The LK forum opened an account sheet on Mondays to support the venture. It would be nice if viewers of the nature calendar could also find an opportunity to support it. 1392.00 euros have been received in the account by noon today.
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Re: Jan and Janika (Jõgeva County)

Post by marika.solo »

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VIDEO: kurepojad nädala jagu kliinikus - VIDEO: Storks for a week at the clinic
Postitas Looduskalender - L, 11.06.2022 - 20.20


Kolm allesjäänud kurepoega, kes 22. mail Jõgevamaa pesas koorusid, vajavad Dr. Leivitsa hoolitsust.
Pühapäeval on nad veetnud kliinikus nädala ja saavad homme kolme nädala vanuseks.

The three remaining stork pups, who hatched in the nest of Jõgeva County on May 22, need Dr. Leivits care.
They have spent a week in the clinic on Sunday and will be three weeks old tomorrow.
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