Re: Discussion about migration

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Re: Discussion about migration

Post by marika.solo »

Adria wrote: 30 Aug 2022, 20:36
news about this stork with transmitter viewtopic.php?p=9347#p9347
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Re: Discussion about migration

Post by Madli »

Latvian news portal writes about Estonian BS and Kaia ... ja-ukraina 03.09.2022

The black stork from Estonia got into a nerve-wracking situation in Ukraine

A black stork from the south-east of Estonia has reached Ukraine, but this is probably his last stop, reports the newspaper "Postimees".

A traveler from Karula Parish heading south may encounter an unpleasant situation in the Ukrainian war zone. He could test the electronic intelligence nerves of both the Ukrainian and Russian sides, which could cost the stork his life.

Kaia, a female black stork that flew south from her nest in Karula, has landed in Ukraine. On the morning of September 3, Kaia was in the war zone between Kharkiv and Kyiv.

Compared to previous years, migratory birds arrive in Ukraine more and more often. However, the transmitter attached to the black stork, which emits radio signals, could attract the attention of electronic surveillance and air defense radars.

We just have to keep our fingers crossed and hope that Kaya gets out of the war zone alive and continues on her way to Africa.

Original article here: ... usse-ajada
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Re: Discussion about migration

Post by marika.solo »

The impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on wild birds and their habitats ... -habitats/

On February 24, 2022, Russia invaded the territory of Ukraine. This threatened not only Ukraine's population but also biodiversity, including a significant number of rare and globally vulnerable bird species.
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Re: Discussion about migration

Post by Madli »

Thank you for the article, Marika. Very sad, but very much needed information for us all!

I even can't imagine what's going on in Karl's stopover 😔
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Re: Discussion about migration

Post by marika.solo »

Waba is moving in the area of GRABARKA RIVER
(source: ... olodi.html
slide - p. 152 (also photo), p.153

GT (without correction)
152 Rivers of the Dniester basin GRABARKA The left tributary of the Zbrucha, which has a channel length of 32 km, 56 tributaries with a total length of 114 km, a density of the river network of 0.76 km/km 2 and a basin area of ​​221 km 2. The Grabarka basin is located in the west of the Khmelnytskyi region within the boundaries of the Volochysk administrative district district The river forms a fairly dense hydrographic network, because it has a large number of tributaries. Grabarka originates a little more east of the village of Zelena and immediately with two streams, which form a cascade of large and small ponds at their upper reaches. Near Pisarivka, it is joined by a left tributary, which also forms two ponds a little south of the village. Immediately beyond the village of Pisarivka, the Grabarka flows into a wide valley, which resembles a multi-kilometer pond that stretches from Manachyn to Ryabiivka. Here, its left tributaries collect water and form a cascade of small ponds near the village of Honorivka. Manachyn is located in the middle course of the Grabarka. It is between it and Ivankivtsi that the river flows through a swampy area, channel 151 meanders, and near Balkivtsi it flows into the Manachyn reservoir. Here Grabarka receives another right tributary, which begins with three small rivers that resemble streams in their upper course. Although the third of them also forms a cascade of small ponds. After passing Balkivtsi, the Grabarka flows to the west, and after covering several kilometers, flows into the Zbruch near Volochysk. The Grabarka basin is located within the Avratyn geomorphological district, the territory of which is characterized by a flat surface, where the height variation occurs within the range of 20 to 30 m. The absolute heights here are from 320 m to 350 m. It is interesting that the watershed flat inconspicuous oval depressions with numerous ", which are busy ONLY FACTS The Kosi River (in India) paves a new channel every year, changing the landscape over large areas. It sweeps away crops, villages, livestock, everything on its way. The river is also famous for its "carrying capacity": the total volume of annual sediments is a huge figure of 116 million cubic meters. 8 million freight cars can be filled with pebbles, sand, and clay, which the river annually brings to the valley from the Himalayan mountains! pond on the rake.

153 The rivers of the Dniester basin become seasonal lakes in the spring and small marshes in the summer. This area is covered with loess-like rocks, and the landscape is dominated by deep, low-humus, gleyed chernozems. The area is treeless, with the exception of a strip of forest along the roads. From a geobotanical point of view, the Grabarka basin is located within the Volochysko-Antonina geobotanical district, where in ancient times there were meadow steppes, steppe meadows and swamps along the river valley and its tributary. Real, swampy and barren meadows prevailed in the meadow steppes. Among the real meadow grasses are creeping clover, meadow sedge, creeping heather, meadow sedge, medium sedge, red sedge, thin whip, meadow sedge, sickle-shaped and hop-shaped alfalfa. In the places where the Grabarka River flows through wetlands, common sedge, great sedge, common reed-sedge, ordinary reedy plant groups. In less watered areas of the floodplain, there are sedge, horsetail-sedge, and sedge-hypne plant communities. Within the Grabarka basin, two zoocenoses can be distinguished: a wetland zoocenose and a zoocenose of cultivated lands, dry meadows, and pastures. The ichthyofauna in Grabarka is very rich, because there are a large number of large and small ponds on it, as on none of the rivers of the Khmelnytskyi region. It is home to white crucian carp, common crucian carp, crucian carp, crucian carp, crucian carp, crucian carp, crucian carp, carp, crucian carp, tench, bream, bream, perch, bream, pike perch, gossamer, catfish, pike perch, bream, crucian carp, bream and pike. The Ukrainian lamprey lives among the rare round-mouthed species. Sterlet can also be artificially bred in such shallow waters. The fauna of the Amphibian class is also incredibly rich. Here you can see representatives of almost all species that live in the Khmelnytskyi region. There is only the quack, because it chooses places to live where there are small trees or large forests near water bodies. Reptiles appear in this area at noon. A water snake and a terrapin feed in the water. On land, you can see common snake, steppe viper, copperhead, spinner, pond, green, and viviparous lizards. A variety of birds in the Grabarka basin. Birds of meadows, marshes and ponds, birds of the steppe and fields, synanthropic birds live here. But since there are no forests in this area, there are no forest birds either. Among the birds in the meadows, marshes, and ponds, meadow shrews, little teals, crested blackbirds, gray and red herons, seagulls, meadow herons, ospreys, moustached titmice, sickle-wings, white plovers, shepherd's plovers, little plovers, meadow warblers, coot, whooper swan, barn swallow, mallard and nightingale. Up to 15 species of steppe birds, up to 8 species of synanthropic birds occur in the local fields. Due to the lack of forests, there are no forest animals in the Grabarka basin. But you can see a mole, a white hare, a shrew, a common hedgehog, a weasel, a fox, a field mouse, a common vole. Muskrat, river otter and water vole often bicker in the water. The local population in the river valley mows hay, grazes cattle, fishes and rests.
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Re: Discussion about migration

Post by marika.solo »

Bărăgan Plain

Estonian storks on their way stopped now in this are (Bonus, Kaia, Kergu and Madi), but also others e.g. Figo from Poland (from the streamed nest - Łodz)

The Bărăgan Plain (Romanian: Câmpia Bărăganului [kɨmˈpi.a bərəˈɡanuluj]) is a steppe plain in south-eastern Romania. It makes up much of the eastern part of the Wallachian Plain. The region is known for its black soil and a rich humus, and is mostly a cereal-growing area. .....
The plain practically covers Ialomița and Călărași counties, extending into the southern portion of Buzău and Brăila counties. ...
The Bărăgan Plain has a harsh climate with hot and dry summers and includes the location where the highest-ever temperature in Romania was recorded: 44.5 °C (112.1 °F), at Ion Sion, in August 1951. Winters are cold, and subject to the effects of a blizzard wind, known as "crivăț" (this feature also gives the plain its name, derived from the Cuman language for "place where the blizzard is raging").

:!: ... r-of-2050/:
Climate scenario: Baragan Plain in Romania to be like Sahara desert, with 50C, in the summer of 2050
Europe on fire.
By Diana Salceanu Last updated Jul 19, 2022

"In less than 30 years, the temperatures in Bărăgan Plain, Romania could be similar to the ones in the Sahara Desert. The experts made simulations, starting from the current global warming trends and came to the conclusion that, in the summer of 2050, in Romania the temperatures could rise up to 50 degrees Celsius.

According to climatologist Roxana Bojariu, the forecasts for Romania also show the acceleration of global warming.

“In Romania, by 2050 the absolute maximum temperature record, around 50 degrees Celsius, could be reached in Bărăgan. This suggests that it is plausible according to climate models, but we cannot say the year, the day. It is only plausible that the record of 44.5 degrees to be broken and to have a record temperature of 50 degrees. It is a limit to adaptation. We can adapt, but there is a limit. The body consumes energy and overloads certain mechanisms, there are situations that could lead to life and death problems. We can adapt, but not to any temperature. Now, hardly, but we can cope. Let’s act so that we don’t reach those extreme situations”
, the climatologist told Digi24."

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Re: Discussion about migration

Post by marika.solo »


This agricultural year is one of the driest in Romania’s history, Moldova the hardest hit
By Romania Journal Last updated Jul 20, 2022

" ... “In this agricultural year Moldova is the most affected area. If in the agricultural year 2019 – 2020, the most recent dry agricultural year, in Dobrogea we recorded the lowest amount of precipitation in history, representing the lowest value, of only 229, 2 liters per square meter, this year in Moldova we register the lowest value, of 322.6 liters per square meter.We notice the shades of yellow that characterize the state of extreme pedological drought in Moldova, in Dobrogea, in Bărăgan, not in the last in Banat, in Crişana and in Maramureş, but also in the areas of the Romanian Plain or in the center, most of Transylvania”, said Elena Mateescu. ..."
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Re: Discussion about migration

Post by marika.solo »

The Gebel al-Zeit Important Bird Area (IBA):

1/ ... -iba-egypt:

- Gebel El Zeit itself is an isolated, elongate mountain that reaches up to 457 m and overlooks the southern end of the Gulf of Suez.
- The Gebel El Zeit area is a very important migration corridor for soaring migrants, particularly birds of prey and storks.

2/ Migratory birds on collision course with wind parks (

- “If they create a ‘great wall’ of wind turbines near Gebel al-Zeit, as they did at Zafarana further north, thousands of birds could be killed every year.” (environmental consultant Mindy Baha al-Din)
- it’s the narrowest crossing point

3/ Largest Power Plant in Gabal El Zeit ( ... %B1%D8%A8/)

- The new wind farm "Gabal El Zeit" is located in Kilo 118, Gabal El Zeit area, south of Ras Gharib city, covering 100 square kilometers.
- The station is one of the world’s largest electricity-generating plants in terms of area, the number of turbines and capacities generated from the station; the number of turbines reaches 300.
- The station contains the system of monitoring migratory birds, through the radar to stop the turbines when the birds fly then reoperate them, a system used for the first time in the world.

(there are also photos)
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Re: Discussion about migration

Post by marika.solo »

Assessing the accuracy of altitude estimates in avian biologging devices

Advances in animal biologging technologies have greatly improved our understanding of animal movement and distribution, particularly for highly mobile species that travel across vast spatial scales. Assessing the accuracy of these devices is critical to drawing appropriate conclusions from resulting data. While understanding the vertical dimension of movements is key to assessing habitat use and behavior in aerial species, previous studies have primarily focused on assessing the accuracy of biologging devices in the horizontal plane with far less emphasis placed on the vertical plane. Here we use an Unaccompanied Aircraft System (UAS) outfitted with a laser altimeter to broadly assess the accuracy of altitude estimates of three commonly used avian biologging devices during three field trials: stationary flights, continuous horizontal movements, and continuous vertical movements. We found that the device measuring barometric pressure consistently provided the most accurate altitude estimates (mean error of 1.57m) and effectively captured finer-scale vertical movements. Conversely, devices that relied upon GPS triangulation to estimate altitude typically overestimated altitude during horizontal movements (mean error of 6.5m or 40.96m) and underestimated amplitude during vertical movements. Additional factors thought to impact device accuracy, including Horizontal- and Position- Dilution of Precision and the time intervals over which altitude estimates were assessed, did not have notable effects on results in our analyses. Reported accuracy values for different devices may be useful in future studies of aerial species’ behavior relative to vertical obstacles such as wind turbines. Our results suggest that studies seeking to quantify altitude of aerial species should prioritize pressure-based measurements, which provide sufficient resolution for examining broad and some fine-scale behaviors. This work highlights the importance of considering and accounting for error in altitude measurements during avian studies relative to the scale of data needed to address particular scientific questions.

Lato KA, Stepanuk JEF, Heywood EI, Conners MG, Thorne LH (2022) Assessing the accuracy of altitude estimates in avian biologging devices. PLoS ONE 17(10): e0276098.
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Re: Discussion about migration

Post by marika.solo »

August 01

lost of Skierka's offsprings hatched 2023 viewtopic.php?f=91&t=135&p=22288#p22288

it is every time very, very sad :( I am very, very sorry for both storklets who perished (Darek and Jola)


- ​the chicks become capable of flight at the age of 68–72 days (maiden flight)
- ​and mostly for or another 2-4 weeks after being able to fly they will go to the nest and are still getting food from parents in nest
- she was the smallest (maybe the youngest); still no ready for flying ("Jola is still circling around the nest ca several hundred meters." info 30.07 in the evening)
- ​Jola was most probably only 79 days old (​she flew only once further "Jola made a trip 3.5km SE towards the ponds in Trzciel but then turned back towards the nest and was within 1.2km of the nest at 1pm, so she should show up today." D.A. - we dont see her any-more on the nest)
- Jola died in the evening 29.07 because/correction: probably due hunger, without necropsy we don't know edit: "She probably died of starvation in the evening of July 29, 300 m NE from the nest." (D.A.)

- 22.07 feeding 1/ 06.30 Królewicz (Jola) + 2/ 08.34 Skierka (Grzegorz, Jola) + 16.48 Skierka (Jola, Grzegorz)
- 23.07 - five feedings for Jola and Grzegorz
- 24.07 feeding 1/06.04 male Królewicz (Jola, Grzegorz) + 2/ 11.54 Królewicz (Jola) + 3/ 15.45 female Skierka (Jola)
- 25.07 feeding 1/ Królewicz at 10.14 + 2/ 11.29 feeding by Skierka - Jola was alone on the nest; at 14.58 male arrived again, but don't feed Jola (fishes still on the nest bottom)
- 26.07 adult stork not seen on the nest
Jola was last seen on the nest on 27.07 at 11.31.06
- 27.07 Królewicz arrived at 17.37 only Grzegorz was on the nest (now we know it was the day when Jola flew first and last further)
- next days no seen adult stork on the nest (Skierka was already away in Trzielce)

more later - done: viewtopic.php?f=55&t=19&p=22307#p22307

URMAS answered to me sometime ago:
How the juveniles learn to fish? Easy! If they do not fish, then they do not spread their genes. Only those can get chicks, who have instinct to fish in suitable places. First fishing could happen far away form home nest, but also near the nest. More possibilities and more time to find right places and practice fishing have those who's body condition is better. Their batteries are more charged and stand for longer (before additional food). Some cases are known, when adult feeds chick outside the nest, but first place to come to feed is nest. If one chick is in nest and begs, no much chances for others outside the nest. But if nest collapses and chicks survive that - adults can start feeding on ground. That takes probably some time and hesitating from adult, but may happen. Since on ground predators find the chicks. I think, juveniles (and other adults) look for other specimen, if see near water they pay more attention on that place and if possible, join feeding in the same water-body. ...
Those are my opinions about that, but there may be much more diversity as we know currently.
And it may be different in different regions and different conditions and different population density, and etc.
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