BOCZ07 SKIERKA ... 8975595643

(GT) Skierka at wintering grounds in Greece
Skierka, a female black stork with a gps-gsm foot transmitter founded as part of the Storks project ( arrived this year at its winter camp in Greece on the Struma River on September 11. More than a month later, we visited it to find out why our most famous black stork spends its winter there for the fourth time. The springs of the Struma are located in Bulgaria on the slopes of the Vitosha Massif, from where the river flows as a swift stream through the Rhodope Mountains. It is only in Greece that the Struma valley widens significantly, the river builds a rather complicated system of arms and supplies the artificial lake Kerkini. Struma and the lake are shallow and heavily silted, which is why it is a refuge for many species of fish, amphibians, reptiles and invertebrates. Local residents claim that Heracles, who shot his bow accurately, used to rest on the banks of the Struma. We managed to "shoot" Skierka resting in the marshy fields with 18 other storks. Struma and #LakeKerkiniNationalPark are a refuge not only for black storks, but also for many other interesting species of fish-eating birds.
- several videos from Skierka's life from the attachment of the transmitter on her leg to this year's successful nesting: