BS from ESTONIA with transmitter (to 31.12.2021)

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Re: BS with transmitter from ESTONIA

Post by marika.solo »

TIMMU ... =0&speed=1
(previous post viewtopic.php?p=817#p817 and next)

previous data: (22.12): 01.12. (!) 2021 - 6872 km on his wintering place (Metema woreda/district in the North Gondar Zone, the largest of the administrative zones of Amhara National Regional State, NW Ethiopia
new data: (27.12): 05.12. (!) 2021 - 6896 km; on his wintering place




maybe the name Shiager is the right for the Timmu's river and not Atbarah as we read on the birdmap - google map or open street map (Shiager is tributary of the river Atbarah)
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Re: BS with transmitter from ESTONIA

Post by marika.solo »


situation with Estonian storks to date


UDU: Udu's location on SW Sudan is based on an SMS message (tracker map) - "SMS only helps in general to know where the bird is. That format is not suitable for the birdmap." (info by Urmas to our Madli - see here viewtopic.php?p=600#p600)
- last documenting viewtopic.php?p=430#p430

KARL II is most probably in his wintering area (season 2020/21: viewtopic.php?p=444#p444)
- last documenting: viewtopic.php?p=429#p429

NURME: I am worried, in that area disappeared more BS (and WS) with transmitter - we will see in the spring
- last documenting: viewtopic.php?p=104#p104

PIKNE is maybe in Ethiopia and there are big areas without GSM coverage - we will see in the spring
- viewtopic.php?p=370#p370

finger crossed very much for all storks!
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Re: BS with transmitter from ESTONIA

Post by marika.solo »

December 31
Hello everyone :-)

TIMMU ... =0&speed=1
(previous post viewtopic.php?p=830#p830 and next)

previous data: (27.12): 05.12. (!) 2021 - 6896 km; on his wintering place (Metema woreda/district in the North Gondar Zone, the largest of the administrative zones of Amhara National Regional State, NW Ethiopia
new data:: 31.12 2021 - 7058 km; on his wintering place

maps: morning - done (viewtopic.php?p=849#p849)
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Re: BS with transmitter from ESTONIA

Post by marika.solo »

January 01
Hello everyone :-)


P. F. (standing for the French words "pour féliciter") is used as a New Year card expressing good wishes for the coming year. ((
The PF cards are generally used only in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. (more e.g. here
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Re: BS with transmitter from ESTONIA

Post by marika.solo »

marika.solo wrote: 31 Dec 2021, 21:19 TIMMU ... =0&speed=1
(previous post viewtopic.php?p=830#p830 and next)

previous data: (27.12): 05.12. (!) 2021 - 6896 km; on his wintering place (Metema woreda/district in the North Gondar Zone, the largest of the administrative zones of Amhara National Regional State, NW Ethiopia
new data:: 31.12 2021 - 7058 km; on his wintering place

maps: morning

the two different satellite view on his area

continuation: viewtopic.php?f=35&p=841#p841
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Re: BS with transmitter from ESTONIA

Post by marika.solo »

UDU (hatched 2021), ... =0&speed=1
previous post viewtopic.php?p=565#p565

Udu's transmitter sent data
Distance: 7926 km, Last data: 11.11.2021

I hope more data come soon - more recent location and positive news

more Madli - thx in advance :-)
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Re: BS with transmitter from ESTONIA

Post by Madli »

marika.solo wrote: 05 Feb 2022, 08:54...Udu's transmitter sent data Distance: 7926 km, Last data: 11.11.2021 I hope more data come soon - more recent location and positive news
Hello! I am also very very happy about this update. This means that Udu is somewhere with better connection- and alive! I hope for more recent data soon, too!
A lot of information is already in the last post. viewtopic.php?p=565#p565


Previous data: 28.10.21. Distance 6080 km. Farafra, Egypt.
New data: 11.11.21. Distance 7926 km(+1846 km/14 days) Wadi Salih province, Central Darfur region in south-western Sudan. Near the border of Tchad.

Udu sent data near small villages (or just populated places) Kalamhasina and Mana. Nearby are also river valleys calles Wadi Timuing and Wadi Robero.

At first, Udu arrived from the NE direction and turned south, flew until a village called Bumbil, then turned around the came back from the same trajectory until his last known location.


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Re: BS with transmitter from ESTONIA

Post by Madli »

The over-excitement came too soon...

A message from Urmas in Looduskalender forum, regarding Udu:
" I did some manual work for to add SMS data for Udus track. Last known SMS location is from 11 Nov, but promsining as there is not desert anymore. Can't say if everything is fine with Udu, but spring is not that far anymore... So positive information can be after couple of months, negative most probably will be not known for us. Udu passed so many dangerous places during first migration, but accidents can happen even with experienced birds." ... 48#p837948
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Re: BS with transmitter (to 31.12.2021)

Post by marika.solo »

EEDI overview

Eedi started his autumn migration on 18.08.2021 - animation. (first data on the birdmap: 27.08.2021, 980 km, Berezne/Березне, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Ukraine)
Eedi continued to migrate south on 10.09 after a few stops on stop-over sites in Ukraine (ponds).
The Sea of Marmara he crossed on 13.09, the Gulf of İskenderun on 18.09 and on 20.09 Eedi sent data already from Saudi Arabia.
Even now (as every year), Eedi stopped at one of the dams.
We had birdmap update after 17 days, but Eedi arrived to his usually wintering area most probably already on Oct 6 in accordance with the animation

from 18.08 to 06.10 = 49 days or + 17 days = 63 days ;-)
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Re: BS with transmitter (to 31.12.2021)

Post by marika.solo »

TIMMU overview
in preparation

Timmu started his autumn migration on .... (first birdmap update - 29.08.2021, 952 km, already on his stopover place in Stolin - in the Stolin District in Brest Region of Belarus. The Belarusian-Ukrainian border is about 15 km away.
Timmu continued to migrate south on .. after ...
The Sea of Marmara he crossed on ..., the Gulf of İskenderun on .. and on ... the Gulf of Suez
Timmu sent data from his usually wintering place on ...
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