Latvia: MARE, adult female

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Latvia: MARE, adult female

Post by marika.solo »

MARE, adult female

MARE (0C9X) - adult female hatched in Latvia 2016
Ring ID: LVR ET-5389
Tag: 2699; Start of tag deployment: 2016-08-03 00:00:00.000; Deployment Id: 2699@Penkule new 2; Time of First Location: 2016-08-17 08:40:31.998
Penkule is a village in Penkule Parish and Dobele Municipality in the historical region of Zemgale, and the Zemgale Planning Region in Latvia

MARE is on her way to the north - fly safe!

- last autumn update (wintering place in Ethiopia) viewtopic.php?p=1198#p1198


2021: Mare had a very long break in Greece, late but she returned to her first nesting area

2020: Mare returned to her nesting place, but she stayed alone :-(

2019: Mare raised two chicks (nesting area: near Fruzenskoye, Pravdinsky District in Kaliningrad Oblast, RUSSIA)
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Re: Latvia: MARE, adult female

Post by marika.solo »


Hello everyone :-)

previous data: viewtopic.php?p=1198#p1198
13.03 - 89 242 km, app: 2,7 km (24h), south from Bambasi, a town in western Ethiopia, Asosa Zone of the Benishangul-Gumuz Region of ETHIOPIA
new data
14.03 - 89 468 km, app: 210 km (24h), Abu Qudaf - in the region of Blue Nile. Blue Nile's capital Ad-Damazin is approximately 62 km away from Abu Qudaf (as the crow flies). The distance from Abu Qudaf to SUDAN's capital Khartoum is approximately 515 km (as the crow flies).

basic informations: viewtopic.php?p=1209#p1209
usually localisations are: L1 at 8.40, L2 at 10h, L3 at 11.30, L4 at 13h and L5 at 14.30

her localisation at 11.30 is already in Sudan, her today last know localisation is south from the Roseires Reservoir on the Blue Nile at Ad Damazin (just upstream of the town of Er Roseires), not far from Abu Qudaf (a hamlet)

click for big pic

1/ situation - 2/ loc- L4 - L5
Image Image

the dam area (in the time of construction)
more photos (also this)

on the googlemap is nothing like this ( ... d34.739178)

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Re: Latvia: MARE, adult female

Post by marika.solo »


March 15
Hello everyone :-)

previous data: viewtopic.php?p=1210#p1210
14.03 - 89 468 km, app: 210 km (24h), Abu Qudaf - in the region of Blue Nile. Blue Nile's capital Ad-Damazin is approximately 62 km away from Abu Qudaf (as the crow flies). The distance from Abu Qudaf to Sudan's capital Khartoum is approximately 515 km (as the crow flies).
new data:
15.03 - 89 651 km, app: 136,9 km (24h), south from Qaddura - El Rahad, state of Gedaref, SUDAN

basic informations: viewtopic.php?p=1209#p1209
usually localisations are: L1 at 8.40, L2 at 10h, L3 at 11.30, L4 at 13h and L5 at 14.30

click for big pic

1/situation - 2/localisation at 14.30 (south from Qaddura)
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3/mapbox (app) closer view - 4/ mapbox (app) wider view
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Re: Latvia: MARE, adult female

Post by marika.solo »


March 16
Hello everyone :-)

the map is working properly :D

previous data: viewtopic.php?p=1230#p1230
15.03 - 89 651 km, app: 136,9 km (24h), south from Qaddura - El Rahad, state of Gedaref, Sudan
new data:
16.03 - 89 739 km, app: 87 km (24h), to the north from the hamlet Baylah - Al Qadarif region, Gedaref State, SUDAN

basic informations: viewtopic.php?p=1209#p1209
usually localisations are: L1 at 8.40, L2 at 10h, L3 at 11.30, L4 at 13h and L5 at 14.30

click for big pic

1/situation - 2/localisation at 14.30
Image Image
PHOTO of Baylah, image capture Nov 2020
PHOTO - hafir (not that in Baylah, but not far), image capture May 2020
information to hafir dams are in discussion thread: viewtopic.php?p=1237#p1237

3/ migrat. path - 4/ wide view
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Re: Latvia: MARE, adult female

Post by marika.solo »


March 17
Hello everyone :-)

today they aren't new data (yet) - last data: 16.03

edit (the last 2 week)
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Re: Latvia: MARE, adult female

Post by marika.solo »


March 18
Hello everyone :-)

today they aren't new data again - last data: 16.03 viewtopic.php?p=1236#p1236
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Re: Latvia: MARE, adult female

Post by marika.solo »


March 19
Hello everyone :-)

Mare's transmitter sent data again :-)

previous data: viewtopic.php?p=1236#p1236
16.03 - 89 739 km, app: 87 km (24h), to the north from the hamlet Baylah - Al Qadarif region, Gedaref State, SUDAN
new data:
19.03 - 90 239 km, app: 143,9 km (24h), to the east on the irrigated field not far from the University of Sheikh Abdullah al-Badri in Berber, River Nile state of northern SUDAN

- Berber is a town 50 kilometres north of Atbara, near the junction of the Atbara River and the Nile (,_Sudan)
- the Atbara River joins the Nile at the city of Atbara, and is the last tributary of the Nile before it reaches the Mediterranean Sea (

- Mare reached this area year ago one week earlier

basic informations: viewtopic.php?p=1209#p1209
usually localisations are: L1 at 8.40, L2 at 10h, L3 at 11.30, L4 at 13h and L5 at 14.30

click for big pic

1/ situation - 2/ today path - 3/ localisation L5
Image Image Image

PHOTO the irrigated fields there , image capture Jul 2020

1/her exact GPS localisation (L5) and 2/ localisation in Sudan
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Re: Latvia: MARE, adult female

Post by marika.solo »

MARE continuation

PHOTOs of the University of Sheikh Abdullah al-Badri in Berber ... 5?hl=en-GB

PHOTO wider view on that area on the university webpage (eng) ... s/?lang=en

PHOTOs (12.12.2009) - wider view on the confluence area (of the Atbara River and the Nile):
The Atbara River looking towards the confluence with the Nile
Small park at the confluence of the Atbara River and the Nile
Atbara River near the confluence with the Nile
Making mud bricks on the banks of the Atbara River

PHOTO Atbara river in Sudan - aerial view
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Re: Latvia: MARE, adult female

Post by marika.solo »


March 21
Hello everyone :-)

Mare's transmitter don't sent data again - last data: 19.03 - 90 239 km

situation year ago:
2021-03-12 (81 769 km)
- localisation: SUDAN, Bayuda desert - on the left bank the river Nil, north-west from Atbara in River Nile State in northeastern Sudan (2022: norht-east from Atbara)
new data:
- 2021-03-19 ( 83 066 km)
- localisation: ETHIOPIA, Sinai Peninsula - South Governorate

maybe this year the new data will come after a week like last year - we have to wait patiently probably to 26.03

1/ localisations in Atbara area - 2/ update after week (2021)
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Re: Latvia: MARE, adult female

Post by marika.solo »


March 22
Hello everyone :-)

nice surprise - there are new data, Mare flew from Atbara to Hurghada

previous data: viewtopic.php?f=50&t=60&p=1260#p1260
19.03 - 90 239 km, app: 143,9 km (24h), to the east on the irrigated field not far from the University of Sheikh Abdullah al-Badri in Berber, River Nile state of northern SUDAN
new data:
22.03 - 91 188 km, app: 241,7 km (24h), to the west from the Mosque of Old Om Elhowaitat - El Qoseir (a city in eastern Egypt, located on the Red Sea coast), Red Sea Governorate, EGYPT (south from Safaga)

basic informations: viewtopic.php?p=1209#p1209
usually localisations are: L1 at 8.40, L2 at 10h, L3 at 11.30, L4 at 13h and L5 at 14.30

click for big pic

1/ situation + today path - 2/localisation L5 and photo - 3/ morning path (the Gulf of Suez - most probably)
Image Image Image

PHOTO Mosque of Old Om Elhowaitat wider view image capture Aug 2019 (better view image capture Dec 2013 - "Panorama over an abandoned ghost town in desert mountains")
exterior and the interior of this Mosque (image capture Dec 2013)

interesting reading (and photos) "Umm el Howeitat was born and grew to become one of the most important mining towns of phosphate in Egypt at this time." - ... host-city/
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