Latvia: MARE, adult female

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Re: Latvia: MARE, adult female

Post by marika.solo »


April 17
Hello everyone :-)

Mare is still on the same little place, I don't understand this behaviour (and I very hope she is healthy - O.K.) - is she only waiting on the arrival of the male? therefore she does not move away (don't fly further from this place)?
app: 34 m

GPS localisation L5 at 14.30

PHOTO image capture Aug 2018
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Re: Latvia: MARE, adult female

Post by marika.solo »


April 19
Hello everyone :-)

Mare is still on the same little place, this situation worries me :-(

19.04 - 84 m
18.04 - 51 m
17.04 - 34 m
16.04 - 270 m
15.04 - I hadn't data (only GPS)
14.04 - 452 m
13.04 - 714 m (24h)
12.04 - I hadn't data
11.04 - Mare arrived to this place
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Re: Latvia: MARE, adult female

Post by marika.solo »


April 20
Hello everyone :-)

Mare moved, but not fare, I hope she is healthy, this situation worries me :-(



20.04 - 267 m
19.04 - 84 m
18.04 - 51 m
17.04 - 34 m
16.04 - 270 m
15.04 - I hadn't data (only GPS)
14.04 - 452 m
13.04 - 714 m (24h)
12.04 - I hadn't data
11.04 - Mare arrived to this place
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Re: Latvia: MARE, adult female

Post by marika.solo »


April 21
Hello everyone :-)

and today no new data :(
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Re: Latvia: MARE, adult female

Post by marika.solo »


May 11
Hello everyone :-)

Mare sent data the last time on May 4 (one week ago)
she has localisations at 14.30 usually on the same place (maybe new nest)

possible explanation of the current situation is perhaps
1/ that she did not met her mate and flew somewhere where there is no GSM coverage
2/ the transmitter failed from some reason (I have a tip to explain that) - data sent on last days were not as usual

finger crossed for good news
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Re: Latvia: MARE, adult female

Post by marika.solo »


May 15
Hello everyone :-)

Mare sent data the last time on May 4 (one week ago)

pic by Made, dabasdati forum

we both think, that probably the memory of her transmitter is full ( ... 32#p336632)

I sent email to Dr. MS on 14.05.2022
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Re: Latvia: MARE, adult female

Post by marika.solo »


May 16
Hello everyone :-)
marika.solo wrote: 15 May 2022, 11:08I sent email to Dr. MS on 14.05.2022
Dr.MS answered :D
my questions and his answers (shortened)

Q 1/ Is the transmitter memory full or do you see another problem?
A 1/ ... Due to low light while incubating under canopy, the battery of tag may have had too low power and so tag has temporarily switched off. That’s the best possible option. She could be dead, since the last location is not in nest but on clear-cut (but see above, it could switch off anywhere). Or, tag may have failed itself – after all it operates already 6+ years. ... If it is just low battery, it shall switch on when Mare will start flying around to get food for chicks.

Q 2/ From the data so far, it can be concluded that she found a partner - and she is nesting?
A 2/ Yes, she certainly is nesting.

Q 3/ It can be deduced from the data that she had offspring last season?
A 3/ No, that cannot be guesstimated from the data but for the last year it is unlikely. However, I have had no time to deal with her data in detail so far ...

my fingers are crossed for successfully nesting and raising again offspring
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