PIKNE (hatched 2021)

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PIKNE (hatched 2021)

Post by marika.solo »


Pikne is offspring of Karl II and Kaia, hatched 2021 (Udu's sibling)

"on June 1, more than seven months of data arrived in Israel" (birdmap info) :D

previous data https://www.ciconianigra.sk/viewtopic.php?p=370#p370 (by Madli)
- 24.10.2021
- Distance 5461 km(+652 km/2 days) near Hurghada, Egypt


birdmap update:
- Last data: 01.06.2022, Distance: 4647 km
- edge of the Negev Desert (in that area is the Yatir Forest - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yatir_For ... l_no.1.jpg)

Pikne spent the winter time in Ethiopia

more Madli soon
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Re: PIKNE (2021)

Post by Madli »

OMG I was just thinking about Udu and Pikne yesterday and visited the birdmap :D I guess he heard my wishes!
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Re: PIKNE (2021)

Post by Madli »

Let's start with Pikne's journey to the south first!

I will add new information continously.


Last birdmap update from Pikne came on 24.october when he crossed the Red sea and reached Egypt.
Pikne crossed the East Saharan desert in 4 days!
On the 5th day, Pikne reached already Ethiopia. The next 2 days he flew short distances.

1st wintering place is near Adi Selam, Western Tigray, Northern Ethiopia.
Pikne's favourite area seems to be a rich farmland area. In the east direction is the big Tekeze river, from where the smaller tributaries feed the farmlands.

As we see here, Pikne used this area a lot until 30.november- the last day he was in this area. He mainly looks for food from the streams that flow between the fields.
Pikne made some long-distance trips to other areas but always returned to these fields.
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Re: PIKNE (2021)

Post by Madli »


Pikne's detours..
First a 3-day trip to the SE direction. Then more 2-day trips and a big circle. Pikne always returned to the main area.

The large fields can very likely be a part of the Welkait Sugar Factory properties, used for growing sugar cane. Pikne's trajectory flies nearby the factory.

Green sugar cane field.
more info about Welkait Sugar factory: https://etsugar.com/neww/wolkaiyt-sugar-development-project/

And a wider view to the area and the Welkait mountains ( NW from Pikne's main area) in February 2013.

Pikne's total distance on 14th February was 10513 km.
(Birdmap changed to spring migration map on 15th february and nulled all previous data)
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Re: PIKNE (hatched 2021)

Post by Madli »

Pikne spent 31 days at his 1st wintering area.


On 05.12 Pikne reached his 2nd wintering area. It is a relatively small area on the border of the West Hararghe and Arsi zones in the Oromia region, Central Ethiopia.

This river valley is Pikne's favourite spot. There are many farmlands and I'm sure this is is a rich area and a good food source.
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Re: PIKNE (hatched 2021)

Post by Madli »

Beautiful landscape view of Pikne's wider area- the Din Din forest and village in Oromia region. ( not far to the East from Pikne's favourite area)
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Re: PIKNE (hatched 2021)

Post by Madli »

And now to the Spring migration 2022..

Pikne spent the winter and spring at his (2nd) wintering place in Ethiopia from 05.12.2021 to 23.05.2022. This is 168 days in total!

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Re: PIKNE (hatched 2021)

Post by Madli »

01.06.2022 Pikne is on a forested area NE from the biggest nearest city Be'er-Sheva. The mountaneous forested area is called the Yatir forest.
Distance: 4647 km.

View from the mountains of the Yatir forest over the surrounding landscape.
Photo Apr.2021 https://www.google.com/maps/place/Yatir+Forest/@31.347454,35.0154809,8141m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m8!1m2!2m1!1sDin+Din!3m4!1s0x1502f7812dccf2d7:0x4efcdd85f16db1e4!8m2!3d31.347454!4d35.035536
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Re: PIKNE (hatched 2021)

Post by Madli »

Birdmap info:
https://birdmap.5dvision.ee/EN/2022/spr ... =0&speed=1

Juvenile Black Stork, hatched as second chick in the brood same day as oldest chick (28 May). Also first, maiden flight out of nest they made same day (4 Aug) with oldest sibling named Udu, being 68 days old. But unlike the younger and older sibling, Pikne was in no hurry to migrate and allowed the father Karl II to feed for another three days (sometimes too much provided) and waited for a favorable moment. On the morning of August 20, such a suitable time had probably arrived, and Pikne headed south without major mistakes. The first longer stop was made on August 23 - September 2 in Ukraine, from September 6 Pikne stops in Moldova and sometimes also flies in Romania. From the end of September, (s)he will stop at the Danube plains in Romania for more than two weeks, and on 13 October (s)he will continue its migration to Africa. When it arrives in Africa on October 24, Pikne will disappear and all interim data will not be available until the beginning of June. Based on this, Pikne reached the wintering place in northern Ethiopia on October 31. The adventure there for a month, and then on December 1, it flew southeast to the eastern edge of the Rift Valley, where it spent the rest of the winter and spring. In May 24, Pikne left the wintering area and started migrating north. On June 1, more than seven months of data arrived in Israel.
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Re: PIKNE (hatched 2021)

Post by Madli »

June 3

Birdmap update!
https://birdmap.5dvision.ee/EN/2022/spr ... =0&speed=1

Previous data:
01.06.22. Distance 4647 km. Edge of the Negev Desery, Yatir Forest area, ISRAEL.

New data:
02.06.22. Distance 5020 km (+373 km) South from Homs, SYRIA.


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