Black storks - migration

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Black storks - migration

Post by marika.solo »

Black storks - migration paths

source: Janssen, Gerd; Hormann, Martin; Rohde, Carsten: Der Schwarzstorch. Ciconia nigra. Unter Mitarbeit von Alfred Nottorf und Eberhard Mey, mit einem Vorwort von Thomas Krauß. Hohenwarsleben,Westarp Wissenschaften, 2004. 414 S. Ill. (Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei, 468). Fr. 52.30; I 29.95. ISBN 3-89432-219-5., Gesnerus, 62(3-4), 339-340.
pic also here ... ration.png

source: Tamás, E. A. 2012. Breeding and Migration of the Black Stork (Ciconia nigra), with Special Regard to a Central European Population and the Impact of Hydro-Meteorogical Factors and Wetlands Status. PhD Thesis, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary. 146 pp.
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Re: Black storks - migration

Post by Madli »

Migration of Black Storks Ciconia nigra at a migratory divide: two different routes used by siblings from one nest and two different routes used by one individual

Black Storks Ciconia nigra breeding in Europe use two main migratory routes to winter in Africa: a western route over Gibraltar and an eastern route through Turkey and Israel. A broad area of migratory divide exists in central Europe. We examined cases from the Czech Republic wherein siblings from one nest used different migration routes. We found 20 such cases associated with 18 nests distributed throughout the entire territory of the Czech Republic. Moreover, one bird hatched in 2007 used the western migration route in 2007 and the eastern one in 2009. The actual geographical position of a juvenile Black Stork from an area of migratory divide in the autumn period of migratory restlessness (after the dispersal period) influences the decision to choose the western or eastern direction of migration. We also propose that Black Storks that are older than one year and therefore with experience of past migrations could decide their direction of autumn migration and be followed by inexperienced juvenile Black Storks. Siblings originating from an area of migratory divide can commonly use both main migration routes.

Ivan Literák, Petr Kafka, Josef Vrána & František Pojer (2017) Migration of Black Storks Ciconia nigra at a migratory divide: two different routes used by siblings from one nest and two different routes used by one individual, Ringing & Migration, 32:1, 19-24, DOI: 10.1080/03078698.2017.1332260 ... ccess=true
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Re: Black storks - migration

Post by marika.solo »


Becciu, P, Rotics, S, Horvitz, N, et al. Causes and consequences of facultative sea crossing in a soaring migrant. Funct Ecol. 2020; 34: 840– 852.

1. Studying the causes and consequences of route selection in animal migration is important for understanding the evolution of migratory systems and how they may be affected by environmental factors at various spatial and temporal scales. One key decision during migration is whether to cross 'high transport cost' areas or to circumvent them. Soaring birds may face this choice when encountering water-bodies where convective updrafts are weak or scarce. Crossing these water-bodies requires flying using energetically costly flapping flight, while circumventing them over land permits energetically cheap soaring.
2. We tested how several atmospheric factors (e.g. wind, thermal uplift) and geographic , seasonal and state-related factors (sex and age) affected route selection in migrating white storks Ciconia ciconia. We used 196 GPS tracks of 70 individuals either crossing or circumventing the north-easternmost section of the Mediterranean Sea, over Iskenderun Bay in southern Turkey.
3. We found that westward and southward winds promoted a cross-bay journey in spring and autumn, respectively, acting as tailwinds. Also, overall weaker winds promoted a sea crossing in spring. Sea crossing was associated with flapping flight and higher values of overall dynamic body acceleration and resulted in higher ground speed than travel over land.
4. The combined environmental conditions and the effects of route selection on movement-related energy costs and speed were likely responsible for an increase in the time spent flying and distance travelled of migrating storks that decided to cross the bay during spring. Notably, daily travel distances of spring migrants crossing the bay were 60 km longer than those of land-detouring birds, allowing them to reach their destination faster but likely incurring a higher energetic flight cost. No such benefit was found during autumn.
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