- at 15h UTC it seemed that Krum would land and spend the night again on the banks of the Maritsa River; however, for some reason he moved to the territory of the protected area named M(a)rtvitsata, where he had very often spent the night until now
- o 15h sa zdalo, že Krum pristáva a bude nocovať zase na brehu rieky Maritsa; presunul sa však z nejakého dôvodu na územie chránenej oblasti M(a)rtvitsata, kde veľmi často nocoval doteraz
Krum (male, hatched 2023) wintering 2024-25
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Re: Krum (male, hatched 2023) wintering 2024-25
November 24
Hello everyone
Krum around Belozem/Белозем (photos,videos, information) https://www.ciconianigra.sk/viewtopic.php?f=108&t=214
- WEATHER situation / počasie dnes: (click) https://i.postimg.cc/ZRhF0gBN/2024-11-2 ... er-day.jpg
- after a cold night there will be a clear day (up to 9° C) / po chladnej noci bude jasný deň (do 9° C)
- 07:21 Sunrise - 16:51 Sunset (Length of day: 9 hours 29 min.)
(source: https://www.meteobalkans.com/evropa/bulgaria/belozem)
Hello everyone
Krum around Belozem/Белозем (photos,videos, information) https://www.ciconianigra.sk/viewtopic.php?f=108&t=214
- WEATHER situation / počasie dnes: (click) https://i.postimg.cc/ZRhF0gBN/2024-11-2 ... er-day.jpg
- after a cold night there will be a clear day (up to 9° C) / po chladnej noci bude jasný deň (do 9° C)
- 07:21 Sunrise - 16:51 Sunset (Length of day: 9 hours 29 min.)
(source: https://www.meteobalkans.com/evropa/bulgaria/belozem)
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- Joined: 29 Sep 2021, 09:38
Re: Krum (male, hatched 2023) wintering 2024-25
locations/lines on the map are still in two days / stále sú na mape lokalizácie/čiary za dva dni
situation at 10h
- as the previous days: Krum flew over the Maritsa River after spending the night in the protected area of M(a)rtvitsata and landed in a nearby field
- ako predchádzajúce dni: Krum preletel po nocovaní v chránenej oblasti M(a)rtvitsata ponad rieku Maritsa a pristál na neďalekom poli
(click for big pic)
situation at 10h
- as the previous days: Krum flew over the Maritsa River after spending the night in the protected area of M(a)rtvitsata and landed in a nearby field
- ako predchádzajúce dni: Krum preletel po nocovaní v chránenej oblasti M(a)rtvitsata ponad rieku Maritsa a pristál na neďalekom poli
(click for big pic)
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Re: Krum (male, hatched 2023) wintering 2024-25
situation at 15h UTC
Krum returned to spend the night again in the M(a)rtvitsata protected area / Krum sa vrátil nocovať zase do chránenej oblasti M(a)rtvitsata
in the morning we will have localizations for today only / ráno budeme mať lokalizácie len za dnešný deň
(click for big pic)
WEATHER night and next days /počasie noc a ďalšie dni (click) https://i.postimg.cc/fLTpGbc2/2024-11-2 ... -night.jpg
(source: https://www.meteobalkans.com/evropa/bulgaria/belozem)
Krum returned to spend the night again in the M(a)rtvitsata protected area / Krum sa vrátil nocovať zase do chránenej oblasti M(a)rtvitsata
in the morning we will have localizations for today only / ráno budeme mať lokalizácie len za dnešný deň
(click for big pic)
WEATHER night and next days /počasie noc a ďalšie dni (click) https://i.postimg.cc/fLTpGbc2/2024-11-2 ... -night.jpg
(source: https://www.meteobalkans.com/evropa/bulgaria/belozem)
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Re: Krum (male, hatched 2023) wintering 2024-25
Bulgaria: Popovitsa - a village in Municipality Sadovo, District of Plovdiv
- Krum did not fly from the irrigation canals directly to the roost. He moved southeast towards the village of Mirovo. Following the course of the Maritsa River, he returned to his usual roosting site - the protected area of M(a)rtvitsata.
- Krum neletel od zavlažovacích kanálov priamo na nocovisko. Presunul sa na JV smerom k obci Mirovo. Sledujúc tok rieky Marica sa vrátil na zvyčajné nocovisko - chránená oblasť M(a)rtvitsata.
1/ PHOTO view on the area /pohľad na celú oblasť (click): https://i.postimg.cc/65nR3B0Y/2024-10-2 ... r-view.jpg
2/ PHOTO (10.11.2024 by Стоян Груев) view on the fields and the Maritsa river / pohľad na polia a rieku Maritsa (click) https://i.postimg.cc/PJSX7rNv/FB-STOIAN ... 7310-n.jpg
3/ PHOTO view on the night roost / pohľad na miesto nocovania (cklik): https://i.postimg.cc/KYKHkKsd/2024-10-2 ... itsata.jpg
Bulgaria: Popovitsa - a village in Municipality Sadovo, District of Plovdiv
- Krum did not fly from the irrigation canals directly to the roost. He moved southeast towards the village of Mirovo. Following the course of the Maritsa River, he returned to his usual roosting site - the protected area of M(a)rtvitsata.
- Krum neletel od zavlažovacích kanálov priamo na nocovisko. Presunul sa na JV smerom k obci Mirovo. Sledujúc tok rieky Marica sa vrátil na zvyčajné nocovisko - chránená oblasť M(a)rtvitsata.
1/ PHOTO view on the area /pohľad na celú oblasť (click): https://i.postimg.cc/65nR3B0Y/2024-10-2 ... r-view.jpg
2/ PHOTO (10.11.2024 by Стоян Груев) view on the fields and the Maritsa river / pohľad na polia a rieku Maritsa (click) https://i.postimg.cc/PJSX7rNv/FB-STOIAN ... 7310-n.jpg
3/ PHOTO view on the night roost / pohľad na miesto nocovania (cklik): https://i.postimg.cc/KYKHkKsd/2024-10-2 ... itsata.jpg
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- Posts: 15375
- Joined: 29 Sep 2021, 09:38
Re: Krum (male, hatched 2023) wintering 2024-25
November 25
Hello everyone
Krum around Belozem/Белозем (photos,videos, information) https://www.ciconianigra.sk/viewtopic.php?f=108&t=214
WEATHER situation / počasie dnes: (click) https://i.postimg.cc/yxHZ65M6/2024-11-2 ... orning.jpg
- mostly clear / prevažne jasno
07:22 Sunrise - 16:50 Sunset (Length of day: 9 hours 28 min.)
(source: https://www.meteobalkans.com/evropa/bulgaria/belozem)
Hello everyone
Krum around Belozem/Белозем (photos,videos, information) https://www.ciconianigra.sk/viewtopic.php?f=108&t=214
WEATHER situation / počasie dnes: (click) https://i.postimg.cc/yxHZ65M6/2024-11-2 ... orning.jpg
- mostly clear / prevažne jasno
07:22 Sunrise - 16:50 Sunset (Length of day: 9 hours 28 min.)
(source: https://www.meteobalkans.com/evropa/bulgaria/belozem)
- Site Admin
- Posts: 15375
- Joined: 29 Sep 2021, 09:38
Re: Krum (male, hatched 2023) wintering 2024-25
locations/lines on the map are still in two days / stále sú na mape lokalizácie/čiary za dva dni
situation at 10h UTC
- as the previous days: Krum flew over the Maritsa River after spending the night in the protected area of M(a)rtvitsata and landed in a nearby rice field with irrigation canals; he is foraging and resting there
- ako predchádzajúce dni: Krum preletel po nocovaní v chránenej oblasti M(a)rtvitsata ponad rieku Maritsa a pristál na neďalekom poli; loví tu potravu a oddychuje
situation at 10h UTC
- as the previous days: Krum flew over the Maritsa River after spending the night in the protected area of M(a)rtvitsata and landed in a nearby rice field with irrigation canals; he is foraging and resting there
- ako predchádzajúce dni: Krum preletel po nocovaní v chránenej oblasti M(a)rtvitsata ponad rieku Maritsa a pristál na neďalekom poli; loví tu potravu a oddychuje
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- Joined: 29 Sep 2021, 09:38
Re: Krum (male, hatched 2023) wintering 2024-25
situation at 15h UTC
- like yesterday, Krum flew southeast before returning from fields to his night roost
- ako včera, Krum pred návratom z polí na nocovisko odletel smerom na juhovýchod
in the morning we will have localizations for today only / ráno budeme mať lokalizácie len za dnešný deň
WEATHER night and next days /počasie noc a ďalšie dni (click) : https://i.postimg.cc/J7dshVxP/2024-11-2 ... -night.jpg
(source: https://www.meteobalkans.com/evropa/bulgaria/belozem)
- like yesterday, Krum flew southeast before returning from fields to his night roost
- ako včera, Krum pred návratom z polí na nocovisko odletel smerom na juhovýchod
in the morning we will have localizations for today only / ráno budeme mať lokalizácie len za dnešný deň
WEATHER night and next days /počasie noc a ďalšie dni (click) : https://i.postimg.cc/J7dshVxP/2024-11-2 ... -night.jpg
(source: https://www.meteobalkans.com/evropa/bulgaria/belozem)
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- Posts: 15375
- Joined: 29 Sep 2021, 09:38
Re: Krum (male, hatched 2023) wintering 2024-25
whole day 26.11.2024
Bulgaria: Belozem - a village in Rakovski Municipality of Plovdiv Province
1/ PHOTO view on the area /pohľad na celú oblasť (click): https://i.postimg.cc/65nR3B0Y/2024-10-2 ... r-view.jpg
2/ PHOTO view on his night roost / pohľad na miesto nočného odpočinku https://i.postimg.cc/PJSX7rNv/FB-STOIAN ... 7310-n.jpg (10.11.2024 by Стоян Груев)
- Krum spent the day as usual: from the night roost to the nearby rice fields with irrigation canals. Krum surprised us later - he moved from the east back to the field where he had spent the day. Locations are recorded at that time only at 15-18-21-00-03h UTC.
- Krum strávil deň ako zvyčajne - z nocoviska na blízke ryžové polia so zavlažovacími kanálmi. Neskôr nás Krum prekvapil - presunul sa z východu späť na pole, kde trávil deň. Lokalizácie sú zaznamenané v tom čase už len o 15-18-21-00-03h UTC.
Bulgaria: Belozem - a village in Rakovski Municipality of Plovdiv Province
1/ PHOTO view on the area /pohľad na celú oblasť (click): https://i.postimg.cc/65nR3B0Y/2024-10-2 ... r-view.jpg
2/ PHOTO view on his night roost / pohľad na miesto nočného odpočinku https://i.postimg.cc/PJSX7rNv/FB-STOIAN ... 7310-n.jpg (10.11.2024 by Стоян Груев)
- Krum spent the day as usual: from the night roost to the nearby rice fields with irrigation canals. Krum surprised us later - he moved from the east back to the field where he had spent the day. Locations are recorded at that time only at 15-18-21-00-03h UTC.
- Krum strávil deň ako zvyčajne - z nocoviska na blízke ryžové polia so zavlažovacími kanálmi. Neskôr nás Krum prekvapil - presunul sa z východu späť na pole, kde trávil deň. Lokalizácie sú zaznamenané v tom čase už len o 15-18-21-00-03h UTC.
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- Joined: 29 Sep 2021, 09:38
Re: Krum (male, hatched 2023) wintering 2024-25
November 26
Hello everyone
Krum around Belozem/Белозем (photos,videos, information) https://www.ciconianigra.sk/viewtopic.php?f=108&t=214
WEATHER situation / počasie dnes (source: https://www.meteobalkans.com/evropa/bulgaria/belozem)
- Mostly cloudy / prevažne oblačno
07:23 Sunrise - 16:50 Sunset (Length of day: 9 hours 26 min.)
Hello everyone
Krum around Belozem/Белозем (photos,videos, information) https://www.ciconianigra.sk/viewtopic.php?f=108&t=214
WEATHER situation / počasie dnes (source: https://www.meteobalkans.com/evropa/bulgaria/belozem)
- Mostly cloudy / prevažne oblačno
07:23 Sunrise - 16:50 Sunset (Length of day: 9 hours 26 min.)